

an amazing experience with Werewolf - Day 6

(2007-12-28 09:07:46) 下一個
Day Six. i decided to write about two things i already fixed in previous days, but forgot to mention earlier.

wireless and wired network almost worked out of the box. all i needed to do was to turn on the Network manager, and network dispatcher. you can either type in the following command:

chkconfig NetworkManager on
chkconfig NetworkManagerDispatcher on
(the command, later i found might be in your /sbin folder)

or go to "system-->administration-->services" and check those two options (should be at top)
after that, everything was rocking baby! thought about it, wireless was the single problem i spent the longest time on while i was installing fedora 7, almost 3 days!! gave me lots lots of pains and almost made me to abandon fedora 7. Now i was really glad they made the improvements on 8.

second was suspend. lots of people complained about suspend malfunctions in fedora 7, the screen wouldn't go back up when exiting suspend mode. unfortunately this problem still existed in fedora 8.
in order to solve this, i needed to go to sourceforge.com and downloaded a program called "suspend-0.5" (yeh, the 0.5 was version number), and installed it. this would install a program called s2ram (a 3rd party suspend program i guess). then i went to /usr/local/sbin, and changed s2ram, s2disk, s2both, resume, swap-offset to be available for non-root users. these 5 happened to be the only files existed in my /usr/local/sbin folder, so i just typed "sudo chmod a+s *" :>
then went to /usr/lib/hal/scripts, the guy we were looking for was "hal-system-power-suspend", made a backup of it first (don't say to me i didn't warn you about backing up), then opened it with vi, deleted everything except the following command:


/usr/local/sbin/s2ram -f -a1

after that, my suspend was working. since i talked about this, i remember in the first few days of my previous semester when i hadn't fixed this function yet, everytime i need to move from class to class, i had to shutdown the computer completely. took me lots of time, such a pain in the a**
(credits of Ciphermonk on fedoraforum.org)

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