回答: HELP 感謝你領養了這個狗狗. Churchill
(2008-01-07 14:30:53)
HELP! 雨靈 2008-01-07 14:27:54
I have a question for everyone. I adopted a dog, this is his first day here. He is not getting use to our home very fast. He barks when you go too close to him.
I just took him out for a walk, and he listens to you when he is walking. And when he listens to you, he can be the sweetest little guy.
Now he is tired and I enclosed him in a room since I don't know how he will behave.and I am very worried about how he will be like tomorrow morning...sigh
What can I do to let him get use to him new home? How can I make sure that he doesn't bite?
2.丘丘到家的第一個晚上, 我們就給他做馬殺雞了, 他很享受, 很放鬆. 但是腳掌還不願意讓我們摸.
3.有可能的話, 很輕揉的摩裟他的耳朵及根部, 那是狗狗最敏感之處,他會喜歡的.
4. 他對你叫說明不太信任, 注意他可能受過人的虐待, 在散步的時候不要輕易OFF LEASH.
5.要敞開胸懷接納他, 如果你對他不信任, 他一定會感覺到,在家裏呆著就不會感到安全.
6.明天打電話給SHELTER, 報告你遇到的情況,並問他們的建議.