在家裏安全自然有效的治療嘔吐和腹瀉 夏奈爾
(2008-01-15 19:46:02)
Treating the 2nd most common pet health conditions safely
Day 5 of Veterinary Secrets Course, '7 Secrets to Extending The Life of Your Pet', the complimentary course by Dr. Andrew Jones.
This issue: The 5th Secret - Treating the 2nd most common pet health conditions safely, naturally and effectively at home: Vomiting and Diarrhea.
Sometimes I envy other vets.
I guess it's embarrassing to tell you that... but it's true.
They are the "specialists" - the ones who can fix any type of broken leg or diagnose the most unusual disease.
Treating pets with alternative at-home remedies never came easy to me.
My first attempts at using alternative medicine didn't always work. I remember one time how I tried to direct a pet owner in applying a simple topical treatment for a hot spot.
It was a mixture of tea and aspirin.
The owner thought that the dog should drink it.
The hot spot got worse, and his dog vomited from the aspirin.
Of course, I didn't clearly explain what to do.
I found this out by experience.
Anyway, one of the differences in my Home Study Course is that my information is based on my experience.
I give explicit step-by-step instructions in treating your pet. I included only those at home remedies that work.
Step 5: Treating the 2nd most common pet health conditions safely, naturally and effectively at home - Vomiting and Diarrhea.
If your pet feels really bad, having vomiting and diarrhea, this is something you want to STOP now!
In my Home Study Course and Manual I have a separate section for vomiting and diarrhea, but for today I am going to give you the top ways to treat them at home.
For Vomiting:
FASTING TIME. A 24 hour fast is the most important thing you can do to allow your pet's inflamed stomach to heal. Allow access to controlled amounts of water, but no food. After 24 hours offer bland food such as plain cooked white rice; give equivalent amounts of rice as you do dog or cat food. After 48 hours mix their regular food with rice and don't fully go to regular food until after 72 hours.
A CUP OF TEA. Peppermint Tea is an old remedy used for upset stomachs in people. Brew up a strong cup of tea, but allow it to cool before offering it.
HOMEOPATHIC. Nux vomica is an effective homeopathic remedy for vomiting for pets. You will find the dose in my book at www.veterinarysecretsrevealed.com/vsr.php
For Diarrhea:
FIRM IT WITH FIBER. Dietary fiber absorbs water in the intestine, which helps to decrease diarrhea. Ground flax is a great source for dogs (1tsp/cup of dog food). Canned pumpkin is a great source for your cat (1tsp/day).
PROBIOTICS. Restore the natural bacteria in the intestine, to help the intestinal immune system. The most effective supplement is Lactobacillus acidophilus.
HUMAN REMEDIES. Pepto Bismol is an old standby that can be effective for dogs. Immodium (Loperamide) is the only safe over-the-counter anti-diarrhea drug for cats.
I have seen far too many cases of what we call in the vet world "garbage gut" become BIG problems.
If the pet owner was aware of a few of these home remedies, then their pet wouldn't have become so dehydrated, causing them to be hospitalized at my clinic.
Treating early often means preventing these BIG problems.
The treatments I covered may be all that you need for now.
But I guarantee that you will use many of the thousand at-home remedies in Veterinary Secrets Revealed.
I use them every day in practice.
They work.
No side effects.
You should try it.
If these emails help you, let me know. By the way, if you're ready to step up and get 'Veterinary Secrets Revealed', you'll find it at www.veterinarysecretsrevealed.com/vsr.php and www.theonlinevet.com.
It's Your Pet- Heal Them At Home!
Best Wishes,
Dr Andrew Jones