男友8歲兒子要買書, 我該買給他嗎? 昨天聽大夥兒的建議.
(2009-10-15 14:57:03)
培養男友兒子與我共同的興趣.我喜歡看書,昨晚我帶8歲的他去書店.我看書,他也在兒童區自己看書玩.後來他找到一本星球大戰的書,裏麵是貼畫和遊戲習題說想買.我說不買.因為我判斷他就這一陣熱度.雖然不到10元錢,但是我怕養成他想要東西我就會買的習慣.孩子也乖,沒吵著要.回到家跟男友說這件事,他說如果是他,他就會買給兒子.因為不貴,而且是書.當然男友也沒怪我.請教各位媽媽,如果你是親媽,這種情況會掏錢嗎? 我是不是錯了?
I am dating a guy who has a 9-year old girl as well. My boyfriend is American born Asian, but he acts and behaves just like an American, and he has never dated or attracted by Asians before but me. His ex wife is a 100% white girl too.
I have to deal with the same issue all the time and I think I am getting better and better.
If you are still in this relationship, I would like to exchange opinions or learn from each other, or even figure out a solution with you for both of us.
I am 36 years old too.