

(2007-12-02 12:28:51) 下一個
This world need warm hearts, and lots, lots of warm hearts, true and helpful hands...
The world and the life therefore becomes meaningful, beautiful, can be memorized forever!
The history was, is and will always be written by us - common but with warm and passionate hearts persons.

The distance between hearts are far, and far and become further in this world, but it would be closer as long as you also have that warm, and appreciated hearts.

Let us depart from ignorance, hate, attacking and ...

Let this world full of love and true friend and friendship...

Let us short life journey be bright, full of sunshine, and ...

Here is the original write link and Thanks go to them:



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閱讀 ()評論 (2)
oceanlover 回複 悄悄話 回複林韻的評論:

Thanks, The world is full of love, warm hearts, there is a song I recalled, and maybe could upload it late on...
林韻 回複 悄悄話 what you said is great~~~we all need true friendship