call 雲中飛燕: 幾個 有關中藥材的問題
(2009-03-25 18:10:59)
1)記得您提到可以加雞內金到湯裏, how often you can use it(sorry, chinese typing is killing me), 1-2 times per week is OK? we make soup every day. 有甚麽食物不宜一起煮?
2) 聽說國內很多中藥製作過程為使成品賣相好, 會把藥材泡在一些chemical like acid to make them look more white(eg 淮山) or red(苟幾). I don\'t buy those from chinese supermarker.
I guess for 雞內金 from 同仁堂, it might be safer. but not sure. if i soak them in water for a few hour, 這會使雞內金失去部分藥效嗎?
3) 我能mix 一些 健脾去濕的藥材一起嗎: 炒意米, 炒扁豆, 炒穀芽, 炒麥芽,雞內金how often they can be given?
4) 四神湯 是健脾的嗎