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西班牙作曲家: Federico Mompou 及鋼琴曲 Paisajes

(2014-09-01 03:51:46) 下一個

費德裏科·蒙波·丹科斯(加泰羅尼亞語:Federico Mompou i Dencausse,西班牙語:Federico Mompou,1893年4月16日-1987年6月30日),西班牙加泰羅尼亞作曲家。他的創作受到印象主義音樂以及埃裏克·薩蒂的簡約風格影響,十分恬淡安逸,而又帶著淡淡的西班牙氣質。他不寫作大型作品,所作基本上都是鋼琴曲、歌曲、吉他曲等小規模作品。由於其獨特的風格,蒙波的音樂在20世紀樂壇占有一定的地位,並獲得過不少獎項。


Mompou is best known as a miniaturist, writing short, relatively improvisatory music often described as "delicate" or "intimate." His principal influences were French impressionism, Erik Satie and Gabriel Fauré, resulting in a style in which musical development is minimized, and expression is concentrated into very small forms. He was fond of ostinato figures, bell imitations (his mother's family owned the Dencausse bell foundry, and his grandfather was a bell maker),[1][3] and a kind of incantatory, meditative sound, the most complete expression of which can be found in his masterpiece Musica Callada (or the Voice of Silence) based on the mystical poetry of Saint John of the Cross. It employs very simple, even childlike melodies, but tinged with sadness, melancholy, and a nostalgic echo of a forgotten far-away land.[citation needed]

He was also influenced by the sounds and smells of the maritime quarter of Barcelona, the cry of seagulls, the sound of children playing, and popular Catalan culture. He often dispensed with bar lines and key signatures. His music is rooted in the chord G?-C-E?-A?-D, which he named Barri de platja (the Beach Quarter).



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