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人活到一定時候會尋根, 尋找祖宗走過腳印;想知道祖先來自何方?
而音樂家, 他們也會尋根, 尋找音樂祖宗,知名的和不知名的,偉大的和普通的, 他們當時的生活又是怎樣的? 那個年代的聲響是怎樣的, 他們的歌舞, 他們的情懷...
自己的根在中國, 這不影響我喜歡歐洲古典音樂, 也很好奇他們的早期音樂,自己喜歡歐洲早期音樂也是最近兩年的事. 早期音樂, 特別是早期的鄉間音樂聽上去有一種質樸濃烈的生活氣息,而且充滿詩意, 笑聲, 老百姓喜怒哀樂盡在其中,那種熱鬧中的安靜,是我們這個時代少有的,沒有雕鑿的人聲是那麽原生味, 現在科技太發達, 音樂無暇疵,把耳朵耳腔慣壞了,聽幾百年前的音樂覺得不僅聽覺上有一種久違感,再現幾百年前歐洲鄉間藝人 那種簡樸的演出形式,很溫暖親切, 其實我也不懂他們具體在唱什麽,感動我的是他們的虔誠,質樸的感恩和溫暖的旋律。
早期音樂樂隊的樂器多是那個年代流行的, 現在都不常見了,很多都沒聽說過, 所以音樂聽上去很特別。
複古創新其實也不矛盾,古典是人們珍藏的精華。 就像現在人們都喜歡綠色食品,那種不長蟲的又大又美的蔬菜水果看上去到有點可怕, 不敢動口,在法國人們發現有很多種類的蔬菜也正麵臨滅絕了, 有個村子的菜農們去大力挽救,去再種植,還讓村裏的叫大人小孩去品嚐; 動物也很多麵臨滅絕; 早期音樂也一樣,不去挖掘演出,也會無聲無息的消失,好在有越來越多的音樂家去做這方麵的事,也有越來越多的聽眾蠻偏愛早期音樂了, 很受歡迎。
L'Arpeggiatta是一個以挖掘和演出歐洲早期音樂的小型音樂樂隊, 由Christina Pluhar 2000年創立組建,有關L'Arpeggiatta樂隊的介紹也不多, 找到一篇BBC Review 作參考。他們出的CD很受歡迎。
歐洲有幾個早期音樂樂隊特別棒, 尤其以法國,意大利的,究竟那裏曾是歐洲音樂最熱鬧的地方, 至今依然是。如法國的Vincent Dumestre 的《Le Poeme Harmonique》,Jean-Christophe Spinosi領隊的《Ensemble Matheus》,Christophe Rousset 的《Les Talens Lyriques》,當然歐洲的早期音樂樂隊很多,但法國這幾個是我喜歡的, 他們帶來的不止是音樂,那個年代的詩意, 笑聲幽默都讓他們找到了。
心連根,那我們中國的古樂又是怎樣的呢?幾千年文明應該有很多古樂吧, 很希望那天能聽很地道的中國古樂, 音樂訪祖尋根吧。
L'Arpeggiata All'Improvviso
Toe-tapping continuo on baroque guitars, harp, lute and theorbo, some sparkling...
All'Improvviso...ok, there'll be improvisation then. But it also means suddenly in Italian, and there's an immediacy and freshness here that grabs you right from the first few bars. If you haven't met baroque harpist Christina Pluhar and her group l'Arpeggiata, then it's time you did. They're from the French Alpha labels stable of unusually gifted musicians who work in that grey area where art music meets folk, and here they're exploring the simple repeated basslines and harmonies that have formed the basis for all kinds of music, in every continent, from the earliest dance music, through folk, classical, romantic and contemporary art music, jazz, and of course pop and rock. 'Chaconnes, Bergamascas and a little bit of madness' is the CD's subtitle; the chaconne which seems to have come from 16th century Peru to the height of baroque sophistication; the bergamasca from Bergamo in 16th century Italy (still found in traditional Italian music), and the madness folia a crazy dance style that spread from Portugal through Spain and Italy, and into the music of the royal courts of Europe.
L'Arpeggiata's way of improvising on these ground basses and repeated harmonic patterns is deliciously entertaining. Sources range from 17th century chaconnes to the first track - a new song by Lucilla Galeazzi, and from the moment she starts singing about the beautiful house she wants, filled with tears and laughter, music and poetry, I was hooked. Marco Beasley's voice is just as naturally communicative, and Gianluigi Trovesi's pungent clarinet solos almost swing us into jazz. Add to that the toe-tapping continuo on baroque guitars, harp, lute and theorbo, some sparkling cornet-playing and lively strings, and you have crossover of the highest quality, from performers who recognise no boundaries in 400 years of music. Magical results, from the meanest ingredients, and it ought to be available on prescription to the clinically depressed.
(BBC review http://www.bbc.co.uk/music/reviews/fj3n)