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Thanks for posting and sharing. It's a powerful so...
Very nice!
謝謝elfie,flyingdora,cece1007 留言 不是私校,...
Got be an expensive private school.
太好了, 又見一位愛歌劇,愛藝術歌曲的朋友
As secret as a dream you callAs silent as the night for all you cryLacrymosa Lacrymosa Dies illa Lacrymosa Dolorosa Domine Lacrymosa Lacrymosa Dies illa Voca me Lacrymosa Dolorosa Dies illa Dolorosa Voca Domine Lacrymosa Dolorosa Voca Me You whisper in my silent sleepYou answer to my call when lost I cryLacrymosa Lacrymosa-osa Find More lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.com Lacrymosa Dolorosa Dies illa Dolorosa Voca Domine Lacrymosa Dolorosa Voca Me Lacrymosa Dies illa Lacrymosa Dolorosa Domine Lacrymosa Lacrymosa Dies illa Voca me Lacrymosa Dies illa Lacrymosa Dies illa Dolorosa Domine Doloros, Domine Lacrymosa Dies illa Voca me Voca, voca me Voca me