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'Shakespeare & Tchaikovsky'

(2011-11-25 10:28:44) 下一個

John William Waterhouse, 'Miranda-The Tempest', c. 1916
The Tempest is a play by William Shakespeare. The work was one of Shakespeare's last works; the play was produced in 1611. In The Tempest, Prospero and his daughter have lived on an island for 12 years. They were stranded on the island when Antonio usurped Prospero's rightful place as Duke of Milan. Here are few quotes from The Tempest.

  • "None that I love more than myself. You are a councillor; if you can command these elements to silence and work the peace of the presence, we will not hand a rope more - use your authority. If you cannot, give thanks you have lived so long, and make yourself ready in your cabin for the mischance of the hours, if it so hap."
    - William Shakespeare, The Tempest, 1.1

    Hamlet is a famous tragedy by William Shakespeare. The play is filled with death and suicide, madness, incest, and the supernatural. Hamlet's father has been murdered, which inspires a whole series of events--bent on revenge and destined to bring destruction to all. Hamlet is one of the most popular plays of William Shakespeare.

    "All that lives must die,
    Passing through nature to eternity."
    - William Shakespeare, Hamlet, 1.2

    Romeo and Juliet is a play about star-crossed lovers. The play is one of the most famous works by William Shakespeare. Lovers (Romeo and Juliet) are caught between two worlds, as their families feud to the death. Fights, witty lines, secret marriages, and untimely deaths--the play is unforgettable! Here are a few lines from Romeo and Juliet.

    "For never was a story of more woe
    Than this of Juliet and her Romeo."
    - William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, 5.3

    莎士比亞William Shakespeare;1564~1616,柴可夫斯基Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky 1840~1893,
    他們生活在不同的年代國度,莎士比亞,文藝複興時代, 柴可夫斯基,後浪漫主義時代, 他們都能感知透視人的靈魂,寫在他們的劇作和音樂裏。

    每個時代總有少數不一樣的人,他們會派去吃苦在前去承受痛苦,偉大的天才,偉人注定是這樣。 都說真正的藝術家他們擁有第三隻眼睛,專門透視人的靈魂? 寫實放大人的靈魂, 也許因為藝術家們有普通人沒有的這第三隻眼睛, 上帝要他們痛苦承受更多, 要他們發瘋去感受,這是他們的使命, 梵高是這樣,Rambrant,Turner....等都是這樣, 人生的痛苦或不幸,也許是上帝對人的另一種《獎賞》和考驗,讓你感受另一種人生境界吧, 熬不過去就自認倒黴,熬過去了就什麽事也沒了,是另一種landscape。藝術的魅力可能就是天才們放大無數風景:可以看到的,看不到,感官感知的,心領神會的,


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