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古諾(Gounod)歌劇:浮士德 Faust 第一幕結尾圓舞曲

(2011-09-16 02:18:01) 下一個

File:Faust by Gounod Act1 1864 Covent Garden lithograph NGO2p132.jpg

Lithograph depicting the vision of Margeurite in Faust's study in Act 1 of Gounod's opera Faust as performed at Covent Garden in 1864. Méphistophélès was played by Jean-Baptiste Faure, and Faust by Giovanni Mario. From a contemporary sheet music cover.

Gounod: Faust - Waltz at the End of first Act

取材於德國名作家歌德的同名劇作,這部由古諾創作的5幕歌劇長達三個多小時。故事講述了年老的Faust博士在感到人生無趣而準備自殺時,魔鬼Mephistopheles卻以Faust的靈魂為交換條件,願意讓其重獲青春。Faust喝下藥後,變為翩翩美少年,並與少女Margurite產生了真摯的愛情。到了Faust將靈魂交付Mephistopheles前的最後一夜,Foust要求Mephistopheles讓他再見一麵Marguerite, 兩人唱了一曲愛情重唱永誌不渝。在Faust的跪送下,天使接Marguerite升天,魔鬼被刺死。

File:Faust by Gounod Act3 1859 engraving by Lamy NGO2p134.jpg
Margeurite's garden in Act 3 of the opera Faust by Gounod as presented in the original production at the Théâtre Lyrique on 19 March 1859.

File:Faust by Gounod Act 4 scene 3 design by Cambon - Essai sur l'histoire du theatre p553.jpg
Margeurite praying in the cathedral (Act 4, scene 3) in the opera Faust by Gounod,
set design by Charles-Antoine Cambon (possibly for the 1869 production at the Paris Opera).

Faust is a grand opera in five acts by Charles Gounod to a French libretto by Jules Barbier and Michel Carré from Carré's play Faust et Marguerite, in turn loosely based on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Faust, Part 1. It debuted at the Théâtre Lyrique (Théâtre-Historique, Opéra-National, Boulevard du Temple) in Paris on 19 March 1859.

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