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匹茲堡交響樂團(Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra)

(2011-07-26 15:32:10) 下一個

Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra 首席指揮Manfred Honeck

匹茲堡交響樂團(Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra)

匹茲堡交響樂團的前身是匹茲堡藝術協會的管弦樂團,創立於l895年,首任指揮是阿嘉,l898年交棒給輕歌劇名作曲家哈巴特,l904年由鮑阿接任,但6年後樂團就解散了。l926年,由該地音樂家再度發起,組織了匹茲堡交響樂團協會,於是再度開始活動,經過布裏斯金和莫達雷裏的指揮後,l937年由克倫貝勒接任,並進行徹底的改革與訓練,但次年就交棒給萊納,他擔任這支樂團的音樂監督,先後達10年之久。接著,薩巴塔隻指揮一個樂季,就由客席指揮維持下去,1952年由斯坦伯格接任,在引退前的25年裏,把這支樂團培育成全美首屈一指的著名樂團。l978年起,改由普烈文擔任音樂監督,又獲得世界樂壇的注目。馬澤爾曾任首席指揮, 現任首席指揮Manfred Honeck 。團員共106名,他們的演奏,充分反映出斯坦伯格的性格,是所有美國樂團中,最具德國式厚重音響的。

The orchestra was founded by the Pittsburgh Arts Society with conductor Frederic Archer in 1895, who brought with him a number of musicians from the Boston Symphony Orchestra, and led the PSO in its first concert the following year.

Archer left in 1898 and was replaced by Victor Herbert, who took the orchestra on several tours and greatly increased the orchestra's presence. Herbert was replaced by Emil Paur in 1904. The orchestra attracted a number of prominent guest conductors during these early years, including Edward Elgar and Richard Strauss, but was dissolved in 1910 because of financial difficulties.


It was 1926 before the orchestra was resurrected, with its members rehearsing for no fee, and each contributing money to make a new season the following year possible. The orchestra's leader, Elias Breeskin, was also its conductor for the first few years. In 1930, Antonio Modarelli was brought in as conductor. In 1937, Otto Klemperer was brought in to reorganise the orchestra, quickly raising the orchestra to an international level..............


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