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Thanks for posting and sharing. It's a powerful so...
Very nice!
謝謝elfie,flyingdora,cece1007 留言 不是私校,...
Got be an expensive private school.
太好了, 又見一位愛歌劇,愛藝術歌曲的朋友
Night with the eyes of a horse that trembles in the night,Night with eyes of water in the field asleepIs in your eyes, a horse that trembles is inYour eyes of secret water.Eyes of shadow-water,Eyes of well-water,Eyes of dream-water.Silence and solitude,Two little animals moon-led,Drink in your eyes,Drink in those waters.If you open your eyes, night opens doors of musk,The secret kingdom of the water opensFlowing from the center of the night.And if you close your eyes,A river, a silent and beautiful current, fills you from within,Flows forward, darkens you:Night brings its wetness to beaches in your soul.