法國薰衣草 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

李斯特的藝術成就 和全部作品

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1.1 Opera(歌劇)

·S.1, Don Sanche, ou Le château de l'amour (1824–25) 歌劇《唐切桑》

1.2 Sacred Choral Works(神聖的合唱作品)

·S.2, The Legend of St. Elisabeth (1857–62) 清唱劇《聖伊麗莎白傳奇》

·S.3, Christus (1855–67) 清唱劇《基督》

·S.4, Cantico del sol di Francesco d'Assisi [first/second version] (1862, 1880–81) 清唱劇《阿西西的聖方濟聖歌》

·S.5, Die heilige Cäcilia (1874)

·S.6, Die Glocken des Strassburger Münsters (Longfellow) (1874)

·S.7, Cantantibus organis (1879)

·S.8, Missa quattuor vocum ad aequales concinente organo [first/second version] (1848, 1869)

·S.9, Missa solennis zur Einweihung der Basilika in Gran (Gran Mass) [first/second version] (1855, 1857–58)

·S.10, Missa choralis, organo concinente (1865)

·S.11, Hungarian Coronation Mass (1866–67)

·S.12, Requiem (1867–68)

·S.13, Psalm 13 (Herr, wie lange ?) [first/second/third verion] (1855, 1858, 1862)

·S.14, Psalm 18 (Coeli enarrant) (1860)

·S.15, Psalm 23 (Mein Gott, der ist mein Hirt) [first version: chorus, soloist & orchestra] [second version: chorus, soloist & violin, piano, harp, organ] (1859, 1862)

·S.15a, Psalm 116 (Laudate Dominum) (1869)

·S.16, Psalm 129 (De profundis) (1880–83)

·S.17, Psalm 137 (By the Rivers of Babylon) [first/second version] (1859–62)

·S.18, Five choruses with French texts [5 choruses] (1840–49)

·S.19, Hymne de l'enfant à son réveil (Lamartine) [first/second version] (1847, 1862)

·S.20, Ave Maria I [first/second version] (1846, 1852)

·S.21, Pater noster II [first/second version] (1846, 1848)

·S.22, Pater noster IV (1850)

·S.23, Domine salvum fac regem (1853)

·S.24, Te Deum II (1853?)

·S.25, Beati pauperes spiritu (Die Seligkeiten) (1853)

·S.26, Festgesang zur Eröffnung der zehnten allgemeinen deutschen Lehrerversammlung (1858)

·S.27, Te Deum I (1867)

·S.28, An den heiligen Franziskus von Paula (b. 1860)

·S.29, Pater noster I (b. 1860)

·S.30, Responsorien und Antiphonen [5 sets] (1860)

·S.31, Christus ist geboren I [first/second version] (1863?)

·S.32, Christus ist geboren II [first/second version] (1863?)

·S.33, Slavimo Slavno Slaveni! [first/second version] (1863, 1866)

·S.34, Ave maris stella [first/second version] (1865–66, 1868)

·S.35, Crux! (Guichon de Grandpont) (1865)

·S.36, Dall' alma Roma (1866)

·S.37, Mihi autem adhaerere (from Psalm 73) (1868)

·S.38, Ave Maria II (1869)

·S.39, Inno a Maria Vergine (1869)

·S.40, O salutaris hostia I (1869?)

·S.41, Pater noster III [first/second version] (1869)

·S.42, Tantum ergo [first/second version] (1869)

·S.43, O salutaris hostia II (1870?)

·S.44, Ave verum corpus (1871)

·S.45, Libera me (1871)

·S.46, Anima Christi sanctifica me [first/second version] (1874, ca. 1874)

·S.47, St Christopher. Legend (1881)

·S.48, Der Herr bewahret die Seelen seiner Heiligen (1875)

·S.49, Weihnachtslied (O heilige Nacht) (a. 1876)

·S.50, 12 Alte deutsche geistliche Weisen (Chorales) [12 chorals] (ca. 1878-79)

·S.51, Gott sei uns gnädig und barmherzig (1878)

·S.52, Septem Sacramenta. Responsoria com organo vel harmonio concinente (1878)

·S.53, Via Crucis (1878–79)

·S.54, O Roma nobilis (1879)

·S.55, Ossa arida (1879)

·S.56, Rosario [4 chorals] (1879)

·S.57, In domum Domino imibus (1884?)

·S.58, O sacrum convivium (1884?)

·S.59, Pro Papa (ca. 1880)

·S.60, Zur Trauung. Geistliche Vermählungsmusik (Ave Maria III) (1883)

·S.61, Nun danket alle Gott (1883)

·S.62, Mariengarten (b. 1884)

·S.63, Qui seminant in lacrimis (1884)

·S.64, Pax vobiscum! (1885)

·S.65, Qui Mariam absolvisti (1885)

·S.66, Salve Regina (1885)

1.3 Secular Choral Works(世俗的合唱作品)

·S.67, Beethoven Cantata No. 1: Festkantate zur Enthüllung (1845)

·S.68, Beethoven Cantata No. 2: Zur Säkularfeier Beethovens (1869–70)

·S.69, Chöre zu Herders Entfesseltem Prometheus (1850)

·S.70, An die Künstler (Schiller) [first/second/third verion] (1853, 1853, 1856)

·S.71, Gaudeamus igitur. Humoreske (1869)

·S.72, Vierstimmige Männergesänge [4 chorals] (for Mozart-Stiftung) (1841)

·S.73, Es war einmal ein König (1845)

·S.74, Das deutsche Vaterland (1839)

·S.75, Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh (Goethe) [first/second version] (1842, 1849)

·S.76, Das düstre Meer umrauscht mich (1842)

·S.77, Die lustige Legion (A. Buchheim) (1846)

·S.78, Trinkspruch (1843)

·S.79, Titan (Schobert) (1842–47)

·S.80, Les quatre éléments (Autran) (1845)

·S.81, Le forgeron (de Lamennais) (1845)

·S.82, Arbeiterchor (de Lamennais?) (1848)

·S.83, Ungaria-Kantate (Hungaria 1848 Cantata) (1848)

·S.84, Licht, mehr Licht (1849)

·S.85, Chorus of Angels from Goethe's Faust (1849)

·S.86, Festchor zur Enthüllung des Herder-Dankmals in Weimar (A. Schöll) (1850)

·S.87, Weimars Volkslied (Cornelius) [6 versions] (1857)

·S.88, Morgenlied (Hoffmann von Fallersleben) (1859)

·S.89, Mit klingendem Spiel (1859–62 ?)

·S.90, Für Männergesang [12 chorals] (1842–60)

·S.91, Das Lied der Begeisterung. A lelkesedes dala (1871)

·S.92, Carl August weilt mit uns. Festgesang zur Enthüllung des Carl-August-Denkmals in Weimar am 3 September 1875 (1875)

·S.93, Ungarisches Königslied. Magyar Király-dal (Ábrányi) [6 version] (1883)

·S.94, Gruss (1885?)

1.4 Orchestral Works(管弦樂作品)

1.4.1 Symphonic Poems(交響詩)

·S.95, Poème symphonique No. 1, Ce qu'on entend sur la montagne (Berg Symphonie) [first/second/third version] (1848–49, 1850, 1854) 第一交響詩 山間所聞

·S.96, Poème symphonique No. 2, Tasso, Lamento e Trionfo [first/second/third version] (1849, 1850–51, 1854) 《塔索,哀歎與勝利》

·S.97, Poème symphonique No. 3, Les Préludes (1848) 第三交響詩“前奏曲”

·S.98, Poème symphonique No. 4, Orpheus (1853–54) 第四交響詩 《奧菲歐》

·S.99, Poème symphonique No. 5, Prometheus [first/second version] (1850, 1855) 第五交響詩《普羅米修斯》

·S.100, Poème symphonique No. 6, Mazeppa [first/second version] (1851, b. 1854) 第六交響詩《馬捷帕》

·S.101, Poème symphonique No. 7, Festklänge [revisions added to 1863 pub] (1853) 第七交響詩《節日之聲》

·S.102, Poème symphonique No. 8, Héroïde funèbre [first/second version] (1849–50, 1854)  第八交響詩《英雄的葬禮》

·S.103, Poème symphonique No. 9, Hungaria (1854) 第九交響詩《匈牙利》

·S.104, Poème symphonique No. 10, Hamlet (1858) 第十交響《哈姆雷特》

·S.105, Poème symphonique No. 11, Hunnenschlacht (1856–57) 第十一交響詩《匈奴之戰》

·S.106, Poème symphonique No. 12, Die Ideale (1857) 第十二交響詩《理想》

·S.107, Poème symphonique No. 13, Von der Wiege bis zum Grabe (From the Cradle to the Grave) (1881–82) 第十三交響詩《從搖籃到墳墓》

1.4.2 Other Orchestral Works(其他管弦樂作品)

·S.108, Eine Faust-Symphonie [first/second version] (1854, 1861)

·S.109, Eine Symphonie zu Dante's Divina Commedia (1855–56)

·S.110, Deux épisodes d'apres le Faust de Lenau [2 pieces] (1859–61)

·S.111, Zweite Mephisto Waltz (1881)

·S.112, Trois Odes Funèbres [3 pieces] (1860–66)

·S.113, Salve Polonia (1863)

·S.114, Künstlerfestzug zur Schillerfeier (1857)

·S.115, Festmarsch zur Goethejubiläumsfeier [first/second version] (1849, 1857)

·S.116, Festmarsch nach Motiven von E.H.z.S.-C.-G. (1857)

·S.117, Rákóczy March (1865)

·S.118, Ungarischer Marsch zur Krönungsfeier in Ofen-Pest (am 8 Juni 1867) (1870)

·S.119, Ungarischer Sturmmarsch (1875)

1.5 Piano and Orchestra(鋼琴與樂隊)

·S.120, Grande Fantaisie Symphonique on themes from Berlioz Lélio (1834)

·S.121, Malédiction (with string orchestra) (1833)  詛咒  鋼琴與弦樂隊

·S.122, Fantasie über Beethovens Ruinen von Athen [first/second version] (1837?, 1849)

·S.123, Fantasie über ungarische Volksmelodien (1852) 匈牙利民歌主題幻想曲 為鋼琴與樂隊而作

·S.124, Piano Concerto No. 1 in E flat [first/second version] (1849, 1856) 降E大調第一鋼琴協奏曲

·S.125, Piano Concerto No. 2 in A major [first/second version] (1839, 1849) A大調第二鋼琴協奏曲

·S.125a, Piano Concerto No. 3 in E flat (1836–39)

·S.126, Totentanz. Paraphrase on Dies Irae [Feruccio Busoni's 'De Profundis'/final version] (1849, 1859) 死之舞 為鋼琴與樂隊而作

·S.126a, Piano Concerto "In the Hungarian Style" [probably by Sophie Menter] (1885)

1.6 Chamber Music(室內樂等)

·S.126b, Zwei Waltzer [2 pieces] (1832)

·S.127, Duo (Sonata) - Sur des thèmes polonais (1832-35 ?)

·S.128, Grand duo concertant sur la romance de M.Lafont Le Marin [first/second version] (ca. 1835-37, 1849)

·S.129, Epithalam zu Eduard. Reményis Vermählungsfeier (1872)

·S.130, Élégie No. 1 [first/second/third version] (1874)

·S.131, Élégie No. 2 (1877)

·S.132, Romance oubliée (1880)

·S.133, Die Wiege (1881?)

·S.134, La lugubre gondola [first/second version] (1883?, 1885?)

·S.135, Am Grabe Richard Wagners (1883)

1.7 Piano Solo

1.7.1 Studies(鋼琴練習曲)

·S.136, Études en douze exercices dans tous les tons majeurs et mineurs [first version, 12 pieces] (1826) 12首鋼琴練習曲

·S.137, Douze grandes études [second version, 12 pieces] (1837) 《12首超技練習曲》

·S.138, Mazeppa [intermediate version of S137/4] (1840) 練習曲“瑪捷帕”

·S.139, Douze études d'exécution transcendante [final version, 12 pieces] (1852) 12首超技練習曲

·S.140, Études d'exécution transcendante d'après Paganini [first version, 6 pieces] (1838) 帕格尼尼超技練習曲

·S.141, Grandes études de Paganini [second version, 6 pieces] (1851)  6首帕格尼尼大練習曲

·S.142, Morceau de salon, Étude de perfectionnement [Ab Irato, first version] (1840) 高級練習曲“沙龍小品”

·S.143, Ab Irato, Étude de perfectionnement [second version] (1852) 高級練習曲“憤怒”

·S.144, Trois études de concert [3 pieces] (1848?)  3首音樂會練習曲

1.    Il lamento

2.    La leggierezza

3.    Un sospiro

·S.145, Zwei Konzertetüden [2 pieces] (1862–63)  2首音樂會練習曲

1.    Waldesrauschen

2.    Gnomenreigen

·S.146, Technische Studien [68 studies] (ca. 1868-80)  鋼琴技巧練習

1.7.2 Various Original Works(各種原創作品)

·S.147, Variation on a Waltz by Diabelli (1822)  狄亞貝利圓舞曲主題變奏曲

·S.148, Huit variations (1824?) 降A大調原創主題變奏曲

·S.149, Sept variations brillantes dur un thème de G. Rossini (1824?)

·S.150, Impromptu brilliant sur des thèmes de Rossini et Spontini (1824) 羅西尼與斯蓬蒂尼主題即興曲

·S.151, Allegro di bravura (1824) 華麗的快板

·S.152, Rondo di bravura (1824) 華麗回旋曲

·S.152a, Klavierstück (?)

·S.153, Scherzo in G minor (1827) g小調諧謔曲

·S.153a, Marche funèbre (1827)

·S.153b, Grand solo caractèristique d'apropos une chansonette de Panseron [private collection, score inaccessible] (1830–32) [1]

·S.154, Harmonies poétiques et religieuses [Pensée des morts, first version] (1833, 1835) 宗教詩情曲

·S.155, Apparitions [3 pieces] (1834) 顯現 三首鋼琴小品

·S.156, Album d'un voyageur [3 sets; 7, 9, 3 pieces] (1835–38) 旅行者劄記

·S.156a, Trois morceaux suisses [3 pieces] (1835–36)

·S.157, Fantaisie romantique sur deux mélodies suisses (1836) 浪漫幻想曲

·S.157a, Sposalizio (1838–39)

·S.157b, Il penseroso [first version] (1839)

·S.157c, Canzonetta del Salvator Rosa [first version] (1849)

·S.158, Tre sonetti del Petrarca [3 pieces, first versions of S161/4-6] (1844–45)  3首彼特拉克十四行詩

·S.158a, Paralipomènes à la Divina Commedia [Dante Sonata original 2 movement version] (1844–45)

·S.158b, Prologomènes à la Divina Commedia [Dante Sonata second version] (1844–45)

·S.158c, Adagio in C major (Dante Sonata albumleaf) (1844–45)

·S.159, Venezia e Napoli [first version, 4 pieces] (1840?)  威尼斯和拿波裏

·S.160, Années de pèlerinage. Première année; Suisse [9 pieces] (1848–55)  旅行歲月(第一集)- 瑞士遊記

·S.161, Années de pèlerinage. Deuxième année; Italie [7 pieces] (1839–49) 旅行歲月(第二集)- 意大利遊記

·S.162, Venezia e Napoli. Supplément aux Années de pèlerinage 2de volume [3 pieces] (1860)  旅行歲月(第二集補遺)- 威尼斯和拿波裏

·S.162a, Den Schutz-Engeln (Angelus! Prière à l'ange gardien) [4 drafts] (1877–82)

·S.162b, Den Cypressen der Villa d'Este - Thrénodie II [first draft] (1882)

·S.162c, Sunt lacrymae rerum [first version] (1872)

·S.162d, Sunt lacrymae rerum [intermediate version] (1877)

·S.162e, En mémoire de Maximilian I [Marche funèbre first version] (1867)

·S.162f, Postludium - Nachspiel - Sursum corda! [first version] (1877)

·S.163, Années de pèlerinage. Troisième année [7 pieces] (1867–77)   旅行歲月(第三集)

·S.163a, Album-Leaf: Andantino pour Emile et Charlotte Loudon (1828) [2] 降E大調紀念冊的一頁

·S.163a/1, Album Leaf in F sharp minor (1828)降E大調紀念冊的一頁

·S.163b, Album-Leaf (Ah vous dirai-je, maman) (1833)

·S.163c, Album-Leaf in C minor (Pressburg) (1839)

·S.163d, Album-Leaf in E major (Leipzig) (1840)

·S.164, Feuille d'album No. 1 (1840) E大調紀念冊的一頁

·S.164a, Album Leaf in E major (Vienna) (1840)

·S.164b, Album Leaf in E flat (Leipzig) (1840)

·S.164c, Album-Leaf: Exeter Preludio (1841)

·S.164d, Album-Leaf in E major (Detmold) (1840)

·S.164e, Album-Leaf: Magyar (1841)

·S.164f, Album-Leaf in A minor (Rákóczi-Marsch) (1841)

·S.164g, Album-Leaf: Berlin Preludio (1842)

·S.165, Feuille d'album (in A flat) (1841) 降A大調紀念冊的一頁

·S.166, Albumblatt in waltz form (1841) A大調圓舞曲風格紀念冊的一頁

·S.166a, Album Leaf in E major (1843)

·S.166b, Album-Leaf in A flat (Portugal) (1844)

·S.166c, Album-Leaf in A flat (1844)

·S.166d, Album-Leaf: Lyon prélude (1844)

·S.166e, Album-Leaf: Prélude omnitonique (1844)

·S.166f, Album-Leaf: Braunschweig preludio (1844)

·S.166g, Album-Leaf: Serenade (1840–49)

·S.166h, Album-Leaf: Andante religioso (1846)

·S.166k, Album Leaf in A major: Friska (ca. 1846-49)

·S.166m-n, Albumblätter für Prinzessin Marie von Sayn-Wittgenstein (1847)

·S.167, Feuille d'album No. 2 [Die Zelle in Nonnenwerth, third version] (1843) a小調紀念冊的一頁

·S.167a, Ruhig [catalogue error; see Strauss/Tausig introduction and coda]

·S.167b, Miniatur Lieder [score not accessible at present] (?)

·S.167c, Album-Leaf (from the Agnus Dei of the Missa Solennis, S9) (1860–69)

·S.167d, Album-Leaf (from the symphonic poem Orpheus, S98) (1860)

·S.167e, Album-Leaf (from the symphonic poem Die Ideale, S106) (1861)

·S.167f, Album Leaf in G major (ca. 1860)

·S.168, Elégie sur des motifs du Prince Louis Ferdinand de Prusse [first/second version] (1842, 1851) 悲歌

·S.168a, Andante amoroso (1847?)

·S.169, Romance (O pourquoi donc) (1848) e小調浪漫曲

·S.170, Ballade No. 1 in D flat (Le chant du croisé) (1845–48) 敘事曲一

·S.170a, Ballade No. 2 [first draft] (1853)

·S.171, Ballade No. 2 in B minor (1853) 敘事曲二

·S.171a, Madrigal (Consolations) [first series, 6 pieces] (1844)

·S.171b, Album Leaf or Consolation No. 1 (1870–79)

·S.171c, Prière de l'enfant à son reveil [first version] (1840)

·S.171d, Préludes et harmonies poétiques et religie (1845)

·S.171e, Litanies de Marie [first version] (1846–47)

·S.172, Consolations (Six penseés poétiques) (1849–50) 6首安慰曲

·S.172a, Harmonies poétiques et religieuses [1847 cycle] (1847)

·S.172a/3&4, Hymne du matin, Hymne de la nuit [formerly S173a] (1847)

·S.173, Harmonies poétiques et religieuses [second version] (1845–52) 詩與宗教的和諧

·S.174, Berceuse [first/second version] (1854, 1862) 搖籃曲

·S.175, Deux légendes [2 pieces] (1862–63) 2首傳奇

1.    St. François d'Assise. La prédication aux oiseaux (Preaching to the Birds)

2.    St. François de Paule marchant sur les flots (Walking on the Waves)

·S.175a, Grand solo de concert [Grosses Konzertsolo, first version] (1850)

·S.176, Grosses Konzertsolo [second version] (1849–50 ?) 獨奏大協奏曲

·S.177, Scherzo and March (1851) 諧謔曲與進行曲

·S.178, Piano Sonata in B minor (1852–53)  b小調鋼琴奏鳴曲

·S.179, Prelude after a theme from Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen by J. S. Bach (1859)  前奏曲“哭泣、哀悼、憂慮、恐懼”S.179 - 根據巴赫第12康塔塔主題而作

·S.180, Variations on a theme from Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen by J. S. Bach (1862) 巴赫康塔塔主題變奏曲

·S.181, Sarabande and Chaconne from Handel's opera Almira (1881)

·S.182, Ave Maria - Die Glocken von Rom (1862) 聖母頌“羅馬的鍾聲”

·S.183, Alleluia et Ave Maria [2 pieces] (1862) 哈利路亞與聖母頌

·S.184, Urbi et orbi. Bénédiction papale (1864)

·S.185, Vexilla regis prodeunt (1864)

·S.185a, Weihnachtsbaum [first version, 12 pieces] (1876)

·S.186, Weihnachtsbaum [second version, 12 pieces] (1875–76) 鋼琴曲集《聖誕樹》

·S.187, Sancta Dorothea (1877) 聖·多蘿西婭

·S.187a, Resignazione [first/second version] (1877)

·S.188, In festo transfigurationis Domini nostri Jesu Christi (1880) 我主耶穌基督之變形

·S.189, Klavierstück No. 1 (1866)

·S.189a, Klavierstück No. 2 (1845)

·S.189b, Klavierstück (?)

·S.190, Un portrait en musique de la Marquise de Blocqueville (1868)

·S.191, Impromptu (1872) 升F大調即興曲“夜曲”

·S.192, Fünf Klavierstücke (for Baroness von Meyendorff) [5 pieces] (1865–79) 5首鋼琴小品

·S.193, Klavierstuck (in F sharp major) (a. 1860) 升F大調鋼琴小品

·S.194, Mosonyis Grabgeleit (Mosonyi gyázmenete) (1870) 在莫佐尼墓前

·S.195, Dem andenken Petofis (Petofi Szellemenek) (1877) 紀念裴多菲

·S.195a, Schlummerlied im Grabe [Elegie No 1, first version] (1874)

·S.196, Élégie No. 1 (1874)

·S.196a, Entwurf der Ramann-Elegie [Elegie No 2, first draft] (1877)

·S.197, Élégie No. 2 (1877)

·S.197a, Toccata (1879–81) 托卡塔

·S.197b, National Hymne - Kaiser Wilhelm! (1876)

·S.198, Wiegenlied (Chant du herceau) (1880) 搖籃曲

·S.199, Nuages gris (Trübe Wolken) (1881) 灰色的雲

·S.199a, La lugubre gondola I (Der Trauergondol) [Vienna draft] (1882)

·S.200, La lugubre gondola [2 pieces] (1882, 1885) 葬禮小船

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