I'vejustgotogetamessagetoyou-BeeGeesThepreachertalkedtomeandhesmiled,Said,comeandwalkwith..."> I'vejustgotogetamessagetoyou-BeeGeesThepreachertalkedtomeandhesmiled,Said,comeandwalkwith..." />
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I've just go to get a message to you - Bee Gees
The preacher talked to me and he smiled,
Said, come and walk with me, come and walk one more mile.
Now for once in your life you're alone,
But you aint got a dime, there's no time for the phone.
Ive just got to get a message to you, hold on, hold on.
One more hour and my life will be through, hold on, hold on.
I told him Im in no hurry,
But if I broke her heart, wont you tell her Im sorry.
And for once in my life Im alone,
And Ive got to let her know just in time before I go.
Ive just go to get a message to you, hold on, hold on.
One more hour and my life will be through, hold on, hold on.
Well I laughed but that didn't hurt,
And it's only her love that keeps me wearing this dirt.
Now Im crying but deep down inside,
Well I did it to him, now it's my turn to die.
Ive just got to get a message to you, hold on, hold on.
One more hour and my life will be through, hold on, hold on.
Bee Gees 是我喜歡的英文歌手(們), 剛到巴黎時我四處找他們的音樂:他們的Massachusetts,More Than A Woman,Stayin' Alive, Too Much Heaven......他們的歌我都喜歡, 有時我會聽著他們的音樂《發呆》, 奇想..... 不知為什麽我這麽喜歡他們的歌呢,可能是他們不那麽嘩眾取寵,折騰,是他們歌裏傳來的真誠,平和,喚醒人們內心的純潔和美好,他們的歌不是一晃而過的潮流,也傳遞著一種人文精神:愛心,和平,他們的音樂也讓我感受到人類好奇心,有一顆始終如一的童心, 真好!真美!
這裏有一段對Bee Gees的評論我覺得說得很好:
《在整個流行音樂史上他們沒有Beatles那樣熱鬧也沒有Rolling Stones那樣能折騰,但是卻是存在時間最長的最具持久性和折衷性的,曾有著名樂評家有過這樣的判斷:“如果沒有Bee Gees,整個世界都不會唱情歌。”Bee Gees留給世人的,不僅僅是那些經久不衰的情歌,也是一種態度,一種對音樂和心靈的忠誠,一種讓時間的經緯在流逝中譜寫的歌唱。Robin Gibb那跨越時代的歌聲,Bee Gees那不朽永恒的創作,除了為流行音樂締造美好的印證,更是人類史上一個永不磨滅的文化象征。即使在當時Disco被那些嚴肅樂評看作是沒有靈魂的音樂,但是現在反過頭來聽Bee Gees,那的確是不能被漠視的時代的潮流和歌唱。》