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丹尼男孩 Danny Boy / 倫敦德裏小調 Londonderry Air / 輕柔的豎琴 The Gentle Harp |
隻有小提琴及男高音才可完全詮釋出其悠揚淒美旋律的歌曲 |
噢!丹尼男孩,那風笛的聲音不斷的呼喚著…,這首舉世聞名的愛爾蘭民謠「丹尼男孩」(Danny Boy),是任何一場愛爾蘭音樂演唱會中,勢必會被點唱的歌曲。這首曲子的作曲者為羅利.戴爾.歐卡漢(Rory Dall O'Cahan),寫於1600年間。後來,費德裏克.魏舍利(Frederick Edward Weatherly)在1913年將其填了「丹尼男孩」歌詞,深受當時人們的喜愛,而流傳至今,其歌詞如下: Danny Boy Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling 其實,上述「丹尼男孩」歌詞,原本是費德裏克.魏舍利於1911年所做的另一首歌曲的歌詞,但並不流行,隔年他接到居住在美國的妹妹寄給他歐卡漢所做的歌譜,他發現這個曲子與他所填的「丹尼男孩」歌詞相當契合,就將其合併,沒想到因此大放異彩,亦是後來許多不同填詞中最受歡迎的一首,「丹尼男孩」也因此成為愛爾蘭最具代表性的民謠之一,與「夏日最後玫瑰」、「強尼當兵去」同為愛爾蘭最負盛名的三首民謠。 羅利.戴爾.歐卡漢當初寫這首歌時,歌名為「倫敦德裏小調」(Londonderry Air),亦有歌詞,倫敦德裏是愛爾蘭的一個地名,與英國的首都倫敦無關,不可混淆,Air是詠唱調或小調之意。「倫敦德裏小調」的填詞其實亦相當優美,隻是「丹尼男孩」的填詞太受歡迎了,所以演唱者選擇以「丹尼男孩」歌詞唱的人比較多,其實二種歌詞之意境是不分軒輊的。「倫敦德裏小調」的英文歌詞如下: Londonderry Air Would God I were the tender apple blossom Yea, would to God I were among the roses 國內風潮唱片公司發行的「東方天使合唱團」演唱的「乘 著歌聲的翅膀」,其中也包含了這首歌,他們選用的歌名是「倫敦德裏小調」,而不是「丹尼男孩」,但是歌詞並不是「Londonderry Air」的中文直譯詞,卻寫得非常的美,不輸英文的歌詞,可惜作者不詳,中文歌詞如下:(若以下列中文歌詞清唱,可感受其美) 倫敦德裏小調 在我的故鄉河流日夜歌唱,曾記得我時常徘徊遊蕩, 春天早晨採朵金色水仙花,整個世界使春色放光芒。 我的故鄉啊永遠盼望的故鄉,綠草如茵,江水靜靜的流, 遊子的心啊嚮往美麗的小島,如今卻永隔著重洋。
那美麗的河水環繞我們家鄉,魚兒躍在水堤上, 海鷗的歌聲至今我仍聽見,在夢中仍然那們嘹亮。 讓時光快快飛逝快快飛逝,我願故鄉安然無恙, 但願我沒被親人遺忘,重回故鄉再過幸福生活。 另外有一個叫湯姆斯‧摩耳(Thomas Moore, 1770-1852)的人,在「丹尼男孩」填詞之前亦針對此曲寫過歌詞,名為「輕柔的豎琴」(The Gentle Harp),隻是較不流行,其英文歌詞如下: The Gentle Harp My gentle harp, once more I waken 其實中文填詞還有一首寫得非常棒的,名為「秋夜吟」,這首歌詞比上述中文的「倫敦德裏小調」歌詞還要動人,若在夜深人靜時吟唱這首歌,會被其歌詞感動而不覺潸然淚下,這首歌在早期的國小或國中音樂課中,是必唱的歌曲,為目前年輕人已較不熟悉,而這首歌的填詞者亦不可考,相當可惜,其歌詞如下: 秋夜吟 月亮當空,照射大地明亮如鏡, 雲淡風輕,秋高又氣爽。 在這個優美撩人的秋夜裡, 想起了遙遠的故鄉,家鄉的母親。 啊!母親呀!我最愛的母親, 您愛家鄉,卻更愛著我們, 為了我們明天有光榮的前程, 引導著我們奔向旅程。
The lyrics to "Danny Boy" were written by the English lawyer and lyricist Frederick Weatherly in 1910. Although the lyrics were originally written for a different tune, Weatherly modified them to fit "Londonderry Air" in 1913 when his sister-in-law in America sent him a copy.Ernestine Schumann-Heink made the first recording in 1915. Weatherly gave the song to the vocalist Elsie Griffin, who in turn made it one of the most popular songs in the new century. In 1928, Weatherly suggested that the second verse would provide a fitting requiem for the actress Ellen Terry.
There are several theories as to the true meaning of "Danny Boy" [2]. The song has been interpreted by some listeners as a message from a parent to a son going off to war or leaving as part of the Irish diaspora. The 1918 version of the Sheet Music included alternative lyrics ("Eily Dear"), with the instructions that "when sung by a man the words in italic should be used, the song then becomes "Eily Dear", so that "Danny Boy" is only to be sung by a lady". However, it is unclear whether this was Weatherly's intent, or simply a publisher's note. Weatherly acknowledged that "Danny Boy" was sung "all over the world by Sinn Feiners and Ulstermen alike". Weatherly also noted that the song had "nothing of the rebel song in it, and no note of bloodshed".
The song is widely considered an Irish anthem, although Weatherly was an Englishman. Nonetheless, "Danny Boy" is considered by many Irish Canadians to be their unofficial signature song [3]