法國薰衣草 (熱門博主)
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(2010-05-20 03:30:30) 下一個

Richard Nixon plays his Piano Concerto #1

Seriously. Nixon's own composition, set to concerto form with "15 Democratic violinists." Nixon takes a dig at Harry Truman just before playing.

尼克鬆這個名字給我們的記憶是:東西方冷戰的重要人物之一,水門事件,尼克鬆訪華......人們多是看到他在政治舞台的一麵, 對他作為普通人的一麵了解不是很多,  我今天也是在尋找其他音樂資料時碰到這個MV,尼克鬆總統彈這一段還蠻好聽的,他自己作的曲? 彈琴唱歌對一個普通人是很普通的事,而當一個政治人物彈琴唱歌時我們就覺得很稀奇,打分都要高些,好像他們不應該會唱歌不應該會彈琴,其實那是我們不習慣他們也和我們普通人一樣。

看了這段MV,自己也想對這位曆史人物了解更多, 還沒有看過由美國作曲家John Adams譜曲, Alice Goodman寫詞的歌劇:《Nixon in China 尼克鬆在中國》,當我看了下麵這一段, 覺得很有意思,小小的舞台再現當年震驚世界的"尼克鬆訪華" 也不是很容易的事, 找時間繼續看下去, 另外我也很好奇為什麽他們會想起來要把這樣一個曆史事件搬上舞台的? 
上個世紀東西方冷戰的硝煙早已遠去, 上個世紀的政治偉人們大多已去另外一個世界,偉人們真實的一麵比任何時候更有吸引力。

Nixon In China (Opera): Act I Scene 1 - News

John Adams's first opera Nixon In China, produced by Peter Sellars, with libretto by Alice Goodman, about the visit of Richard Nixon to China in 1972, where he met with Mao Zedong and other Chinese officials.
Act I Opening -
The opera begins at Beijing Airport. As the soldiers wait, an airplane taxis and lands on the stage - the Nixons and Henry Kissinger disembark and are greeted by Chou Enlai. As Nixon is introduced to various Chinese officials by Chou, he sings of his hopes and fears for his historic visit.
Quote from Lyrics: (Nixon 尼克遜)"News, news, news, news, news -- has a... has a...has a... has a kind of mystery has a...has a... has a kind of mystery ...... Who, who, who, who are our enemies? Who, who, who, who are our friends?"

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