法國薰衣草 (熱門博主)
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[少年音樂天才] Zhang Xiaoming(11歲)來自中國上海

(2010-03-30 04:08:05) 下一個

Zhang Xiaoming 演奏鋼琴

Zhang Xiaoming是Alexender Prior 去上海挑來的, 當時有四位候選人,Zhang Xiaoming還是替補別人來的,一位男孩聽說不能保證被選上,臨時退出,Zhang Xiaoming頂替上來競選的,四位孩子都很優秀,一為太小才8歲,另一位是女孩,她告訴Alexender Prior 長大的誌向不是當鋼琴家;另外還有一位技術超強, 異常聰明,彈得飛快,能說多種語言,很多business  idea, Alexender Prior 還是最後作出很困難的決定,選中Zhang Xiaoming, 可能相比之下,音樂家更重要還是heart心吧。詳見http://www.alexprior.co.uk/

Zhang Xiaoming (English name, Jack) is 10 years old and comes from Shanghai, China. It was discovered that he had a special talent for the piano whilst he was in kindergarten and so he started formal lessons from the age of 5 at the Shanghai Conservatory. Xiaoming's teacher suggested then that he should aim to become a professional and study like one.

In 2007 he started lessons with renowned concert pianist and former piano prodigy, Professor William Chen. In the same year, aged 8, Xiaoming won the Shanghai AML Piano Cup, came first place in the Shanghai Zhangjiang High-tech cup and the Hong Kong 'Hailun Cup' Piano Competition.

Apart from practicing the piano for up to 8 hours a day, Xiaoming loves to play Badminton and read ancient Indian poetry. (摘自網上)

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michaelcosy 回複 悄悄話 Thanks for posting this.
Proud of our young talents. Fully enjoyed it.