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[少年音樂天才]年輕的大提琴家 陳南森 Nathan Chan(15歲)

(2010-03-29 11:16:15) 下一個

Nathan Chan, cellist, plays The Swan by Camille Saint Saens(當時他才11歲)

Dvorak Cello concerto - Northern Sinfonia, conductor Alexander Prior, Cello - Nathan Chan, Sage, 29.4.2009

13歲的華裔大提琴神童陳南森(Nathan Chan),獲名歌手福萊克(Roberta Flack)邀請參與灌錄唱片。福萊克形容,陳納森是她過去20年來遇見的「最振奮人心」的音樂奇才。陳南森的母親更透露,陳南森很早就展露出音樂天份,年僅3歲就當過指揮。


福萊克在HBO一輯介紹全國音樂神童的紀錄片《The Music in Me》,首睹陳南森的大提琴演出,被他演奏聖桑的《天鵝》時所展現的情感深深打動,當時立即要求經理人代為尋找這位奇才。今年福萊克打算錄製向披頭四致敬的大碟時,本來屬意的馬友友無暇合作,二話不說就選定了陳南森。他在紐約著名的Avatar Studios,演奏了披頭四1968年「白碟」中的《I Will》。本身是古典鋼琴訓練出身又是音樂教師的福萊克形容,陳南森「或者是她過去20年來遇見的最振奮人心的人」,有天賦之外為人謙遜,相信前途無可限量。


現居三藩市的陳南森生在音樂世家,媽媽Rena Ling是演奏鋼琴師,原籍香港的父親Samuel Chan雖是心髒醫生,但業餘也是半島交響樂團的小提琴手,11歲的妹妹也參與加州帕羅奧多管絃樂團的小提琴演出。 


陳媽媽憶述,陳南森天生就有音樂才華,對節奏感和音樂感應有很強的天賦,記得當年帶還是幼兒的陳南森去音樂會時,他就會興奮得手舞足蹈,還會隨音樂的節拍揮手。 後來一名助理指揮注意到他,更邀請他上台指揮聖荷西樂團演奏莫紮特的音樂。 當時陳南森隻有3歲。陳媽媽笑言,說陳南森「裹著尿片當指揮」一點也不為過,在那次指揮前,她特地要為陳南森換上尿片,避免他中途如廁。 





Nathan made his first public perforrmance at the age of 3 with the San Jose Chamber Orchestra, conducting a set of variations by Mozart.

This debut was made possible when a conductor saw him air-conducting at one of his mother's concerts. The next year, Chan conducted Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 with the Palo Alto Philharmonic.

Nathan began playing the cello aged 5. As a cellist, Nathan filmed a feature documentary on talented young musicians in New York with 6-time Emmy Award winning director Amy Schatz. The program called, 'The Music in Me' aired in October 2006 on the HBO network. It won the prestigious Peabody Award for 2007. This program led to invitations to perform in Carnegie Hall, the NAMM Convention, and it caught the attention of legendary singer Roberta Flack who invited Nathan (as a substitute for Yo Yo Ma who was unavailable for the project) to collaborate with her on her next CD of Beatles songs due for release on the Sony label.

Earlier this season, Nathan made his solo debut with the San Francisco Symphony and he has performed with the Peninsula Symphony Orchestra, San Francisco Sunset Youth Orchestra as well as performances for the San Francisco Symphony League, Vancouver Recital Society's Young Masters Project, National Cello Institute, American String Teachers Association, and California Summer Music.


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