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巴黎著名的夜總會(cabaret) - 瘋馬(le Crazy Horse)

(2009-12-20 09:10:12) 下一個


57歲的Arielle Dombasle

Crazy Horse Paris》是巴黎的一家著名的高級歌舞廳, 1951年成立,主要是看表演,這家Cabaret沒有紅磨坊和麗都那麽名氣在外,但藝術性更強些吧,很多法國的藝術家也喜歡來這表演,比如最近法國影星歌星Arielle Dombasle 在Crazy horse與其它舞女一起表演,要知道她都已經57歲了, 在電視上她的身體線條看上去還與其他舞女差不多, 另外有的時裝設計師把他們時裝表演還搬到《Crazy Horse》來表演。2009年10月底Crazy Horse的女郎們還在巴黎春天百貨大樓的櫥窗裏表演(見下麵MV)

Crazy Horse , 好沒去過,剛到巴黎的時候,住在埃菲爾鐵塔附近的一studio,在rue saint dominique附近,那段時間常常在附近散步,周末的時候就走遠些,穿過Alma 橋(戴安娜也就是在那附近遇難), 再走到香榭麗舍大街, 常常路經Crazy Horse  , 那時是學生,從沒想過要進去,什麽時候去看一次,對,附近還有一家電影院叫Balzac 巴爾紮克電影院,散步回來的時候就往AV.Montagne繞回來,再去塞納河附近轉轉。AV.Montagne 那都是時裝大師的老巢名店, 我印象最深的是有Christian Dior ,Chanel 名店。

後來有孩子後我們就搬家了,搬到巴黎近郊, 當 很少往那邊散步了。 沒有孩子的時候,我經常在老巴黎各區遊走,有些地方很熟,步行找路沒問題。  很感慨住在巴黎最市中心那段時間,真正感受了老巴黎的姿色的,住在郊外後,忙於生活,孩子,都很少去巴黎市中心,有時覺得住在郊外,除了食物外,都感受不了太多老巴黎, 這和住其他地方,都差不了太多, 隻要能收到法國電視的話。

後來是從電視上知道Crazy Horse 的主人自殺了,覺得很難過, 其實他也不認識我,我也不認識他,我完全可以不會把這事放心上,可每當我聽到有人這樣結束生命我都會很難過,我想他們一定有外人看來不覺得有什麽,可對他們來說就是很難受的原因,過不去的坎。那天從電視上看到介紹Crazy Horse及其排練, 介紹編舞Philippe Degoufle,他們對每一個動作,身體和麵部的pose, 角度都很研究。

不覺得這些表演有什麽淫穢黃色,覺得人體很美,把人的欲望人性化藝術化的表演展示出來,很高雅,藝術。奇怪的是什麽東西移到法國人手裏就變藝術了,而在他人手裏,這些表演也許就表現得庸俗下流了,低級趣味了, 可能還是那句話,仁者見仁,智者見智,觀念不一樣,就是同樣對Desir, 法國人覺得應該是大大方方享受 , 而另一些文化覺得這事見不得人的,偷雞摸狗似,弄得雞飛蛋打的。其實法國還是一個非常注重傳統的國家。

我從小受的家教多少是屬於三從四德的那種,因為母親從小上私塾也就是受這些教育,母親給我們姐妹說的基本上就是增廣賢文裏的那些語錄, 來法國後,受老法們多年的潛移默化,我還是我,還是以前那個傳統女子,可至少我可以理解接受他們的一些觀念,我覺得法國人最大的可取得就是他們敢於正視承認人性的弱點,也很會從各方麵享受人生,享受生活,也是,這麽美的表演,看看應該沒什麽, 沒有什麽必要躲閃, 這也是人生。

Le Crazy Horse Saloon or Le Crazy Horse de Paris is a Parisian cabaret known for its stage shows performed by nude female dancers and for the diverse range of magic and variety 'turns' between each nude show.. Its owners have helped to create related shows in other cities, and unrelated businesses have used the phrase "Crazy Horse" in their names.

The Paris Crazy Horse occupies former wine cellars (12 in all - knocked together) of an impressive Haussmanian building at 12 Avenue George V (from King George V, in French "George Cinq").

Alain Bernardin opened it in 1951 and personally operated it for decades until his death by suicide in 1994. Many of the original waiters (their names stitched in large letters onto the back of their waistcoats) were also substantial shareholders in the original company.

The dancers are deliberately chosen to be indistinguishable on stage in height and in breast size and shape. As of 2008, the enterprise remains a family business, now in the hands of Bernardin's three now very grown-up children. Using the name "Le Crazy Horse de Paris" for the original, "Le Crazy Horse de Singapore" for a similar but now-defunct show in that city, and Crazy Horse Paris for one in Las Vegas (formerly La Femme) at the MGM Grand.

Along with its dancers, the Crazy Horse has also been a popular venue for many other artists, including magicians, jugglers, and mimes. Bernardin explained that he loved magic because it corresponded with his vision: "[Magic] is a dream. There is no show that is more dreamlike than a magic show. And what we do with the girls is magic, too, because they aren't as beautiful as you see them onstage. It's the magic of lights and costumes. These are my dreams and fascinations that I put onstage." [1]

Under new management, Crazy Horse has recently started featuring famous or prestigious artists stripping for a limited number of shows, such as Dita Von Teese, Carmen Electra, Aria Cascaval, Arielle Dombasle or Pamela Anderson[2][3]. They have also hired Philippe Decouflé as choreographer.

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