法國薰衣草 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

法國攝影師羅伯特·杜瓦諾Robert Doisneau(14/04/1912 - 01/04/1994)

(2009-06-17 09:58:03) 下一個

Robert Doisneau - self portrait  (1947)




攝影評論家經常把杜瓦諾跟法國著名作家都德相比,說他總是用一種溫柔的、幽默的眼光注視著他周圍的芸芸眾生,用同情的態度加以刻畫。因此他的作品不但具有幽默感。同時還給人一種特別的親切感。例如本書中的《態度不同》,對於人情和人性的刻畫,則更是達到了爐火純青的程度,你看那位頭發花白的先生,雖然年進花甲,已經沒有招蜂引蝶之心。但是如果有一位漂亮的年輕女郎自願把一條胳膊搭在他的大腿上,老先生也不致於堅決反對,甚至還有點自得其樂。但是這種令人無法容忍的情景,已經被坐在身邊的夫人所發現。顯然,老夫人的心裏很不高興 。但在大庭廣眾之下,一時又不能發作。她強壓怒火,擎惕地盯著坐在地上的舞女。那位夾在中間的老先生,對他夫人的脾氣,當然早就有所領教,內心裏也頗為惴惴不安,但臉上卻還故作鎮靜,把這麽複雜微秒的人情人性刻畫到如此入木三分、淋漓盡致的地步,在攝影作品中是不多見的。


杜瓦諾生平概要 1912年4月14日:生於法國巴黎。














07頑皮的孩子們 (1934)




09漫畫家雷蒙.沙維納 (1950)








13單身漢的白日夢 (1952)




15搬運雕像 (1964)


16六隻手 (1973)


17畢卡索展示作品 (1963)


18畢卡索的早餐 (1952)


19市政廳廣場前的愛吻 (1950)


20不許照 (1952)




Robert Doisneau (14 avril 1912 - 1er avril 1994) était un photographe français, parmi les plus populaires d'après-guerre, qui fut, aux côtés de Willy Ronis et d'Édouard Boubat, l'un des principaux représentants du courant de la photographie humaniste française.

Robert Doisneau est né le 14 avril 1912, à Gentilly, dans une famille bourgeoise. Il étudie les Arts graphiques à l’école Estienne et obtient son diplôme de graveur et de lithographe en 1929. Un an plus tard, il réussit à intégrer l’Atelier Ullmann en tant que photographe publicitaire. En 1931, Robert Doisneau devient l’opérateur d’André Vigneau où il découvrira la Nouvelle Objectivité photographique. C’est en 1932, qu’il vend son premier reportage photographique, qui sera diffusé dans l’Excelsior. En 1934, Renault de Boulogne-Billancourt, l’embauche comme photographe industriel, Robert Doisneau, du fait de retards répétés, se fait renvoyer cinq ans plus tard, en 1939. Désormais sans emploi, il tente de devenir photographe illustrateur indépendant. Robert Doisneau rencontre, peu avant le début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale Charles Rado, le fondateur de l’agence Rapho. Son premier reportage, sur le canoë en Dordogne, fut interrompu par la déclaration de guerre et la mobilisation générale. Après guerre Robert Doisneau devient photographe indépendant en intégrant officiellement, en 1946, l’agence de photographie Rapho.

Il se mit alors à produire et réaliser de nombreux reportages photographiques sur des sujets très divers : l’actualité parisienne, le Paris populaire, des sujets sur la province ou l’étranger (URSS, États-Unis, Yougoslavie,…). Certains de ses reportages paraîtront dans des magazines comme Life, Paris Match, Réalités, Point de Vue, Regards, etc.

En 1947, il rencontre Robert Giraud, chez l'antiquaire Romi, c’est alors le début d'une longue amitié et d'une fructueuse collaboration. Doisneau publiera une trentaine d’albums dont La Banlieue de Paris, avec des textes de Blaise Cendrars, en 1949. Il travaillera un temps pour Vogue, de 1948 à 1953 en qualité de collaborateur permanent.

Son travail de photographe sera récompensé à diverses reprises : le Prix Kodak en 1947, le Prix Niepce en 1956. En 1960, Doisneau monte une exposition au Musée d'art contemporain de Chicago. Il recevra encore quelque prix pour son travail, le Grand Prix National de la Photographie en 1983 et le Prix Balzac en 1986. En 1992, Doisneau fait une rétrospective au Musée d'art moderne d'Oxford. Ce sera sa dernière exposition, puisqu’il décède à Montrouge en Avril 1994. Doisneau est enterré à Raizeux, aux côtés de sa femme.

Son œuvre

Robert Doisneau est probablement le photographe français le plus connu dans le monde entier notamment grâce à des photos comme « le Baiser de l'hôtel de ville ». Ses photographies noir et blanc des rues de Paris d'après guerre et de sa banlieue ont fait sa renommée...

Doisneau est un passant patient qui conserve toujours une certaine distance vis-à-vis de ses sujets. Il guette l'anecdote, la petite histoire. Ses photos sont souvent empreintes d'humour mais également de nostalgie, d'ironie et de tendresse.

Il travaillait sur Paris, ses faubourgs et ses habitants  : artisans, bistrots, clochards, gamins des rues, amoureux, bateleurs, etc. Il enregistra pendant près d'un demi-siècle des milliers de portraits du petit peuple de Paris.

Il a participé au Groupe des XV aux côtés de René-Jacques, de Willy Ronis, de Pierre Jahan, dans les années 1950.



  • Doisneau : Paris en liberté (19 octobre 2006 - 17 février 2007), Hôtel de ville de Paris.

  • Doisneau Vintage (15 novembre 2007 - 15 décembre 2007), Galerie Christophe Gaillard, Paris.

  • Imprimer pour résister ? (6 octobre 2008 - 10 novembre 2008) école_Estienne, Paris XIII°. Avec la collaboration de l'artégraf, l'atelier Robert Doisneau, l'éducation nationale, l'institut d'histoire sociale du livre parisien, la mairie de Paris, le musée national de la résistance de Champigny sur marne.

  • L'Alsace de 1945 par Doisneau (25 novembre 2008 au 25 janvier 2009 à la Filature de Mulhouse et jusqu'au 30 janvier 2009 au parc des Expositions de Strasbourg)


[Born: 1912; died: 1994]
[Nationality: French]

Robert Doisneau is one of France's most noted photographers. He is noted for the many playful and unsuposing images chronicling everyday French life. His prolific outbook over the course of several decades provides us a marvelous record of French life. His images don't seek to overcome the viewer. They are often modest in scope and playful. He is at his best with people. His images of French childhood are especially helpful for HBC. He was influenced by the work of Kertesz, Atget, and Cartier-Bresson who also provided wonderful images of childhood. He published ober 20 books providing realistic, but charming images of quiet, often personal moments in the lives of individuals. He wrote: "The marvels of daily life are exciting; no movie director can arrange the unexpected that you find in the street."


Robert was born in Gentilly in the Val-de-Marne, France. We do have not information on his childhood at this time or how his childhood affected his work.


Robert studied engraving at the Ecole Estienne in Chantilly, but found his training antiquated and useless upon graduation. Engraving had been a major activity before the development of photo lithography, but was much in demand after the turn of the 20th century. With his rather antiquated training, he had great difficulty obtaining work as a lithographer.


Doisneau was exposed to photography in the advertising department of a pharmaceutical firm. He embrrced this new-found interest in photography and largely taught himself. Outside of his job, he began to see photography as a medium for at first a hobby--recording every day life during his wanderings through the streets of Paris. He began photographing details of objects in 1930. He sold his first photo-story to the Excelsior newspaper in 1932. He was a camera assistant to the sculptor Andrei Vigneaux and did military service prior to taking a job as an industrial and advertising photographer for the Renault auto factory at Billancourt in 1934. He was fired in 1939 and was forced to try freelance advertising and postcard photography to earn his living. The postcards were a majot outlet for photgraphers at the time and France had Europe's largest industy. Post cards in the early 20th century served the purpose of modern greeting cards as well as vacation souveinrs, although this was changing in the 1930s. Doisneau was hired by the Rapho photo agency in 1939 and worked there for several months until the inset of World War II.

World War II

Doisneau was drafted in 1939. He was a member of the Resistance both as a soldier and as a photographer. While his training in engraving was not helpful in his attempts to get a job, it proved invluable to the Resistance. He used his engraving skills to forge passports and identification papers. He photographed the Occupation and Liberation of Paris. some of these images, especially of the liberation of Paris are photographic masterpices. His classic photographs capture the exileration and joy of liberation in Paris like no other photographer.

Post War Period

Some of Doisneau's most remembered photographs were taken in the post-war era. He returned to freelance work and sold photographs to Life and other important international magazines. He joined the Alliance photo agency for a short time and began working with Rapho again in 1946. Against his better judgement Doisneau did high-society and fashion photography for Paris Vogue from 1948 to 1951. During his assignments with Vogue, the photographer became acquainted with high-society circles, for which, however, he did not have as much sympathy as he did for the common people in the streets. All through this period, however, he took realistic photographs of daily life on the streets of Paris. These are the photographs we remember him for and many of his high-society photographs are virtually forgotten. Certainly the appeal to the French was his ability to capture the simple joys of everyday life--so much more meaningful after the dark days of NAZI occupation.

Film Stock

A French reader reports that after World War II the photographs taken by many Europeans were of poor quality. This was primarily because the film available was very poor quality. The devestation of the War had serious affected the photographic industry as well as most other industries. Doisneau's photographs, however, continued to be high quality. He probably has access to American film.


The photography of Robert Doisneau has enjoyed a revival in the last ten years or so. Many of his portraits and photos of Paris from the end of World War II through the 1950's have been turned into calendars and postcards and have becomes icons of French life. Perhaps his most famous photograph is "Kiss in front of the Palace of City Hall." This photogrpah has been reproduced by the millions and is perhaps the most famous French photograph. It became a ymbol of young, boisterous love in Paris--of course the city most associated with love. The realism of Doisneau's photographs make a wonderful record of both style and lifestyle. In addition to his reportage photography, he has photographed many noted artists including Giacometti, Cocteau, Leger, Braque, and Picasso.

The Recipe

Doisneau writes of his photography, "In fact there isn't any recipe - that would be too easy - but all these images that are growing old so gracefully were taken instinctively. I put all my trust in intuition, which contributes so much more than rational thought. This is a commendable approach, because you need courage to be stupid - it's so rare these days when there are so many intelligent people all over the place who've stopped looking because they're so knowledgeable. Yet that little extra something supplied by the model is precisely a `look,' like a legacy handed down to you from the distant past. It shoots straight along the optical axis and bores right through the photographer, the celluloid, the paper, and the viewer, like a laser beam scorching everything in its path, including, and a very good thing too, your critical faculties."


Some of Doisneau's most appealing photographs are those of French childhood--perhaps the best ever taken. He took photographs on the street as well as homes and schools. Some were candid. Others were posed. As he photographed extensively from the 1930s-50s, his photographs record not only the texture of French, but developing fashion patterns before, during, and after World War II. The images provide a wonderful record of the clothes sworn by children during the period and thus is very useful to HBC.


Doisneau won the Prix Kodak in 1947. He was awarded the Prix Niepce in 1956 and acted as a consultant to Expo '67, Canada. A short film, "Le Paris de Robert Doisneau", was made in 1973. Doisneau has been the subject of major retrospectives at the Bibliotecque Nationale in Paris, the Art Institute of Chicago, George Eastman House in Rochester, New York, and the Witkin Gallery in New York City.

Later Years

Doisneau was in many ways a shy and unassuming man, rather like his photography. He lived in the Paris suburb of Montrouge. He died in 1994.

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