法國薰衣草 (熱門博主)
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每年4月29日是國際舞蹈日 - 請欣賞西班牙舞/標準舞/吉普賽舞蹈

(2008-04-29 11:45:44) 下一個

4月29日,由聯合國教科文組織下的國際舞蹈議會(CID)推廣,1982年國際舞蹈委員會最先提出這日。這個日期是為了紀念現代芭蕾舞之父Jean-Georges Noverre。


Experience the art and beauty of Flamenco dancing in beautiful Los Cabos

盡管舞蹈是人類文化不可缺少的一部分,它不獲全球的官方機構重視。CID的主席Alkis Raftis教授在2003年世界舞蹈日訊息說:“在全球約二百個國家中,過半數的國家的法律文件(不論有關好還是壞的)沒有提及舞蹈。州的財政預算沒有資金來支持這種藝術形式。無論是私人還是公共,都不存在舞蹈教育這回事。”

Two kids, ages 12 and 11, strut their stuff at the American Ballroom Dance Championship in Columbus,


Archival film of the Gypsy Csárdás from the village of Nagypalad

International Dance Day (World Dance Day) has been celebrated on April 29 through promotion by the International Dance Council (CID), an umbrella organization within UNESCO for all kinds of dance.

The holiday was introduced in 1982 by the International Dance Committee of the UNESCO International Theatre Institute. The date was suggested by Pyotr Gusev to commemorate the birthday of Jean-Georges Noverre.

Among the goals of the Dance Day are to increase the awareness of the importance of dance among the general public, as well as to persuade governments all over the world to provide a proper place for dance in all systems of education, from primary to higher.

While dance has been an integral part of human culture throughout its history, it is underprioritized by official establishments in the world. In particular, Prof. Alkis Raftis, President of the International Dance Council, in his 2003 Dance Day Message said: "In more than half of the 200 countries in the world, dance does not appear in legal texts (for better or for worse!). There are no funds allocated in the state budget to support this art form. There is no such thing as dance education, private or public." [1]

The year 2005 focus of the Dance Day was on primary education. CID urged dance establishments to contact the Ministries of Education with the proposals to celebrate this day at all schools with writing essays about dance, drawing dance pictures, dancing in the streets, etc.

The 2006 message of President of CID addresses the reluctance of dancers to join collective organisations, exresses an opinion that this is a major reason of the lack of the due recognition (legislation, financing, visibility) of dance in society, and calls: "Dancers of the world, unite!"

The 2007 Dance Day was dedicated to children.

In 2008, Alkis Raftis, President circulated an e-mail which said, in part: "Governments, sponsors, and the media is our main concern this year. Governments (national, regional or local), sponsors (private or public) and the media (newspapers, magazines, radio, TV) are the three most important factors affecting the practice of our art. Dance professionals struggle to approach them individually - with poor results. We propose a better way: through CID Sections representing all forms of dance, all levels, all functions" [2]


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