

(2010-08-04 14:38:17) 下一個
Link : http://www.arthurhu.com/index/lifeexpe.htm

Summary It has been commonly reported that the Japanese live longer
than anyone else in the world, however, this does not take
into account breaking out Asians Americans separately, as it
is the 1st best kept secret that Asians have the longest life
expectancy of any American race, and that it is even longer
than the Japanese by any known study. In the United States,
Asian Americans live the longest, and Hispanics live slightly
longer than whites. Worldwide, only Asians in Japan and
Hong Kong live longer than Americans. US Blacks lag whites, but
are no worse than South Korea.

Nation Male Female Average
Wealthy AsAm 89.5 95.0 92.0(s1)
Asian-American women
in Bergen County, N.J. 91.0 (3)
US Mormon 86.0
US Asian 82.1 87.4 84.8
Japan \'97 80.0 85.3 83.2
US Asian 83.0
CA Asian 79.2 85.8 82.5
HI Chinese 78.4 81.7 80.2
SF Latino 73.9 86.5 80.2
Hawaii 80.0 (3)
SF Asian 76.5 83.5 80.0
HI Japanese 77.7 81.5 79.7
Men Utah 77.0
Japan \'06 84.4
Japan \'96 76.4 82.8 79.0
US Hispanic 78.0
Iceland 76 80 78.0
Sweden 75 80 77.5
Cuba 95 CIA 74.9 79.4 77.1
France 73 81 77.0
Australia 74 80 77.0
Netherlands 74 80 77.0
Switzerland 74 80 77.0
Hong Kong 74 80 77.0
Israel 75 78 76.5
Italy 73 80 76.5
Norway 73 80 76.5
Spain 73 80 76.5
US Born 1996 76.1
US White 76.0
Shanghai China 75.5
United States 72 79 75.5
Germany 72 78 75.0
Denmark 72 78 75.0
Finland 71 79 75.0
United Kingdom 72 78 75.0
New Zealand 72 78 75.0
CA White 78 71 74.5
Luxembourg 71 78 74.5
Greece 72 76 74.0
Ireland 71 77 74.0
New York 73.8 (china wakes)
Kuwait 71 75 73.0
Singapore 69 74 71.5
S. Korea 67 75 71.0
US Black 70.0
N. Korea 66 73 69.5
China 68 71 69.5
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