Poor dog
(2010-04-17 09:50:05)
My mom went back to China this month. Yesterday she told me she bought a dog. I was so shocked when I heard it, what a poor dog. He won't have good life and won't have long life. My mom even does not know how to take care of herself, how can she take a dog. When my husband heard of it, he was shocked too, and said: what's wrong with your mom? Taking care of a dog is like taking care of a baby, you have to feed it, and clean the poo and pee. Lots of work! Of course my mom won't do it, she will pass the responsibility to my dad. Poor dad, poor dad, poor me, poor all the animals who had been belonged to my mom. Definitely, my mom has mental disability. Nobody can depend on her, and nobody can like her, as she does not know she is hurting people or animals. God, it's so sad to have this kind of mom.