2014 (1)
2020 (19)
2025 (6)
Rotorua 的景色非常漂亮,從Pullman Hotel出來,四周空氣清新,各種標示明晰,野鴨們或覓食,或凝思,或瞌睡,或嬉戲,與人類和諧共處,視如家人。水上飛機徐徐飛起,不轟不鳴,一派祥和。
由於季節的關係,Kiwi 國幾乎看不到有什麽Kiwi,倒是以Kiwi命名的各種機構常可見到。
18日的重頭戲是Hell's Gate(地獄之門),這是Rotorua最活躍的地熱區。為安全起見,還構建有一條人工專用步道,兩旁則是獨特的特色地熱景觀。
在觀看了被火山爆發所吞沒的村莊後,晚上在Rotorua最壯觀的景點天際線餐廳享用晚餐。乘坐纜車前往天際線餐廳的途中,不僅可放鬆身心,還可欣賞美景。天際線餐廳有新西蘭的各種美食如海鮮、肉類、蔬菜、農產品、甜點等等。此外,那裏還有多種項目可供遊客們選擇,如雪橇、山地自行車、天空秋千、高空滑索、自然步道、Jelly Belly 商店、 Volcanie Hills 釀酒廠及品酒室等。
Waitomo Glowworm Caves
12.19.的重點是遊Waitomo Glowworm Caves,早上9點多,我們從Pullman Hotel 出發,2小時左右即到達目的地。螢火蟲洞內不準拍照與錄像,因此照片較少。隻是到了出口,人們才紛紛拍照留影。進入洞內,發現洞的本質其實與杭州的瑤琳仙境非常類似,是那種鍾乳石為主的岩洞,但又具有與瑤琳所完全不同的特點,那就是洞內有很多很多的螢火蟲,遠遠望去,隻見在漆黑一片的洞頂壁上,發出非常明顯而密集的星星點點的亮光。
從螢火蟲洞出來,又去參觀 Otorohanga Kiwi House。這是新西蘭特有的一種沒有飛行能力的鳥類,體型大小與雞相似。這種鳥的翅膀已退化,因而非常小,嘴卻很長,名字是KIWI(獼猴桃)。走進KIWI House,宛如走進了一片寂靜而美麗的花園,有趣的是,這種鳥有夜行晝伏的習性,因此動物園特地將其棲息地建成伸手不見五指的園林,在如此漆黑一片的花園裏,隔著玻璃,沒有一絲亮光,你怎麽能看得到裏麵的東西?但還愣是有人看見Kiwi鳥了。故事很有意味,但是實際上幾乎什麽都沒看到,那就不免有些味同嚼蠟了。
Kiwi (/?ki?wi?/ KEE-wee)are flightless birds endemic to New Zealand of the order Apterygiformes. The five extant species fall into the family Apterygidae (/?æpt??r?d??di?/) and genus Apteryx (/?æpt?r?ks/). Approximately the size of a domestic chicken, kiwi are the smallest ratites (which also include ostriches, emus, rheas, cassowaries and the extinct elephant birds and moa).
DNA sequence comparisons have yielded the conclusion that kiwi are much more closely related to the extinct Malagasy elephant birds than to the moa with which they shared New Zealand. There are five recognised species, four of which are currently listed as vulnerable, and one of which is near threatened. All species have been negatively affected by historic deforestation, but their remaining habitat is well protected in large forest reserves and national parks. At present, the greatest threat to their survival is predation by invasive mammalian predators.
The vestigial wings are so small as to be invisible under their bristly, hair-like, two-branched feathers. Kiwi eggs are one of the largest in proportion to body size (up to 20% of the female's weight) of any order of bird in the world. Other unique adaptations of kiwi, such as short and stout legs and using their nostrils at the end of their long beak to detect prey before they see it, have helped the bird to become internationally well known.
The kiwi is recognised as an icon of New Zealand, and the association is so strong that the term Kiwi is used internationally as the colloquial demonym for New Zealanders.
當晚我們又回到了奧克蘭,仍然下榻在Sky City Hotel。
原以為世界各地的水族館,大同小異而已,沒想到這個水族館還真的別有特色。水族館的入口處,有探險者Scott 的小木屋。
正在隔著玻璃用手指逗弄企鵝時,被管理員勸停,後來才發現原來有告示貼著,隻是當時沒看到。可愛的企鵝們,用憨態可掬、抑或用呆若木雞來形容,都可謂很形象,自不免令人有一種很象Alzheimer's disease患者的聯想。
' Are these lobsters for sale? ' I asked. (lol)
酒店check in時,曾給過兩張casino的voucher,下午沒事想去玩玩,首先不能戴帽進入(但可以拿在手中),voucher則需要先交給收銀員,不料一問,才知道必須在賭場的台麵上玩,不能用於老虎機。什麽玩意兒!老子才不入這個圈套呢!