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2025 (6)
PAC (心房早搏)、 PVC(過早心室收縮、室性心動過速)、
Premature atrial contractions (PACs) are extra heartbeats that start in the upper chambers of your heart. When the premature, or early, signal tells the heart to contract, there may not be much blood in the heart at that moment. That means there's not much blood to pump out.
心房早搏 (PAC) 是指心髒上腔開始的額外心跳。當過早或早期的信號告訴心髒收縮時,心髒中可能當時沒有太多血液。這意味著沒有太多血液可以泵出。
Premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) can cause a variety of symptoms, but many people don't notice them at all:
Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) is a heart condition that causes an abnormally fast heartbeat. It's a type of arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat, that happens when the heart's electrical system malfunctions. This can cause the heart to beat too early in the upper chambers, which speeds up the heart rate. A normal resting heart rate is 60–100 beats per minute (bpm), but SVT can cause the heart rate to suddenly increase above 100 bpm, sometimes as high as 300 bpm. SVT can occur at any age, but often first appears in children or young adults. It can happen while resting or exercising, and episodes can start and stop very suddenly, lasting from minutes to hours. 室上性心動過速 (SVT) 是一種導致心跳異常加快的心髒病。這是一種心律失常或心律不齊,發生在心髒電氣係統發生故障時。這會導致心髒上腔過早跳動,從而加快心率。正常的靜息心率為每分鍾 60-100 次 (bpm),但 SVT 會導致心率突然增加到 100 bpm 以上,有時甚至高達 300 bpm。SVT 可能發生在任何年齡,但通常首先出現在兒童或年輕人身上。它可能在休息或運動時發生,並且發作可能非常突然地開始和停止,持續時間從幾分鍾到幾小時不等。
Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is a heart condition that causes the upper chambers of the heart to beat irregularly and rapidly, sometimes as fast as 500–600 beats per minute. This irregular heartbeat, also known as an arrhythmia, can cause blood to flow poorly from the atria to the ventricles. AFib can occur in brief episodes or be a permanent condition.
心房顫動 (AFib) 是一種心髒病,會導致心髒上腔跳動不規律且快速,有時每分鍾跳動速度高達 500-600 次。這種不規律的心跳也稱為心律失常,會導致血液從心房流向心室不暢。AFib 可能短暫發作,也可能成為永久性疾病。