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2017年走訪 Werribee Mansion (威勒比莊園)

(2022-02-05 19:23:00) 下一個

2017年2月1日,我們驅車走訪了位於墨爾本西郊的 Werribee Mansion (威勒比莊園)。

Werribee Mansion 離開墨爾本大約35公裏左右,開車很快就能到達,走進大門,立刻就被那豪華氣派的建築與美麗優雅的田園所吸引了。

威勒比莊園雖然大氣壯觀,但卻是一個有淒美故事的莊園。故事的主人翁托馬斯·徹恩賽德(Thomas Chirnside)和安德魯·徹恩賽德(Andrew Chrinside)是兄弟倆,哥哥托馬斯在1838年從蘇格蘭老家先行來到澳洲,用帶來的幾百英鎊買下了這塊地皮,並通過投資股票等,而得到了第一桶金。1841年弟弟也來到了澳洲投奔哥哥,本著家族的信條“不成功,便成仁(Do or Die)”,兄弟倆協力建立了一個田園詩般的農業帝國。1945年,哥哥衣錦還鄉回蘇格蘭,見到了青梅竹馬的表妹瑪麗(Mary Begbie),向她求婚,但卻被她父母拒絕。失意之下,哥哥重回澳洲,弟弟接著也回到了蘇格蘭。臨行前,哥哥叮囑弟弟一定要把瑪麗帶過來。兩年後,弟弟回來了,雖也確實把瑪麗帶了回來,但那時的瑪麗卻已然成了弟弟的妻子。

從此,哥哥把對瑪麗的愛埋在心裏,繼續領導全家奮鬥致富。到1874年,兄弟倆有了足夠的錢來建一棟豪宅,哥哥甚至比弟弟更積極,因為他心裏想的是心愛的人可以入住。豪宅從開工到竣工用了四年時間,這就是現在大家看到的威勒比莊園(Werribee Mansion),是當時整個維多利亞州最豪華和大氣的建築,掩映在鬱鬱蔥蔥的大樹和草坪之中,周圍被葡萄園、跑馬場和萬畝農田包圍。豪宅建好後,哥哥搬到了另外一個地方居住,離開莊園十公裏的一個小房子。


隨後弟弟的兩個兒子為分家產打起了官司,1922年,莊園被賣給了一個叫菲利普·洛克(Philip Lock)的牧場主,一年後牧場主又把莊園轉手給了神學院,神學院一辦就是50年,還增加了一些附屬建築。一直到1973年,維多利亞政府買回莊園,決定恢複曆史,將這裏開辟成一個供大家參觀休閑懷舊的地方。



 (2017-01-31 )下一個
在1838年1月,懷著對新生活的夢想,口袋裏僅僅揣著幾磅鈔票的蘇格蘭人托馬斯Chirnside離開他的家園,從利物浦來到了悉尼。1941年,托馬斯的兄弟安德魯,也跟隨托馬斯來到了那裏。他們想在澳大利亞的北部和南部購買土地(在溫德姆Wyndham包括幾個火車站和8萬英畝的土地),後來托馬斯就選擇了在那裏定居,安德魯則在斯基普頓的卡裏巴納克(Carranballac, Skipton)購置了50000英畝土地作為了他的家。
In January 1838 the Scotsman, Thomas Chirnside, left his homeland and sailed from Liverpool to Sydney with only a few pounds in his pocket and the dream of a new life. Thomas’ brother, Andrew, followed this quest and joined Thomas in 1941. Together they wondered the North and South of Australia buying land including several train stations and an 80,000 acreage of land in Wyndham. It was here Thomas settled while Andrew made his home on 50,000 acres at Carranballac, Skipton.
托馬斯 Thomas Chirnside
安德魯 Andrew Chirnside
1845年,托馬斯回到蘇格蘭看望家人,他愛上了他的表妹瑪麗(Mary Begbie)。他想娶Mary Begbie,但女方的父母不讚成,無奈他隻能單獨回到了澳大利亞。後來,安德魯也回了一次家鄉。在安德魯啟程之前,托馬斯請安德魯將瑪麗帶回來,孰料在1852年安德魯回來時,帶來的瑪麗竟然成為了他自己的妻子!
Thomas sailed back to Scotland to see his family in 1845 where he fell in love with his cousin Mary Begbie. He asked for her hand in marriage but her parents did not approve and so he sailed back to Australia alone. It was then Andrew’s turn to make a visit to his homeland. Before Andrew set off Thomas asked Andrew to bring Mary back with him. In 1852 Andrew returned with Mary as his own wife!
瑪麗 Mary Begbie Chirnside
到了19世紀70年代,托馬斯在溫德姆建造了一個有60間居室的意大利風格的豪宅(現在被稱為Werribee公園大廈),那時,安德魯和瑪麗,他們已經有了3個孩子,而托馬斯則居住在附近的點庫克(Point Cook),他養殖牛和進口純血統的母馬和公馬,狐狸,野兔,野雞,鷓鴣和馬鹿。托馬斯是一個優秀的飼馬人,1874年他的一匹名為哈裏科特的馬還曾贏得了“墨爾本杯”。
By the 1870s, on his property in Wyndham, Thomas built a 60 – room Italian style mansion, now known as Werribee Park Mansion, for Andrew and Mary and they’re 3 children. Meanwhile Thomas lived in his nearby property in Point Cook, he bred cattle and imported bloodstock including mares and stallions, foxes, hares, pheasants, partridges and red deer. Thomas was an excellent judge of horses and in 1874 his horse Haricot had won the Melbourne Cup.
1883年,托馬斯捐贈了一英畝土地,在上麵建立了Werribee的第一個被稱為“ 使徒聖. 托馬斯” 的教會。在他的最後幾年裏,Thomas Chirnside就居住在Werribee公園的豪宅裏,也就在那裏他得了憂鬱症。1887年6月25日,托馬斯悲傷地結束了自己的生命,將一切留給了他的弟弟安德魯和他的侄子。三年之後的1890年,安德魯也離開了人世,將所有的財產留給他的兩個兒子喬治和約翰·珀西。
In 1883 Thomas donated an acre of land and built the first church in Werribee to be known as St Thomas the Apostle. In his last few years Thomas Chirnside took up residence in his mansion at Werribee Park where he fell sick and depressed. On June 25th 1887 Thomas sadly took his own life, leaving everything to his brother Andrew and his nephews. Only three years later, in 1890, Andrew passed leaving the property to his two sons, George and John Percy.
兩兄弟體育酒吧 -- 紀念托馬斯和安德魯Chirnside的生活和時代
The Two Brothers Sports Bar stands in memory of the life and times of Thomas and Andrew Chirnside
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