作者: 曾節明 曾經的白川粉:中國事實上很希望特瘋子連任ZT 2019-08-24 16:14:16 [點擊:197] 曾經的川粉Scaramucci:中國事實上會很想川普連任,他們是從長遠著想。想象川普再幹五年,成功摧毀西方世界同盟與全球貿易體係,中國將把川普這個易怒的自戀狂玩於股掌之上 Quote Tweet Anthony Scaramucci @Scaramucci · 19h The Chinese leadership could actually want @realDonaldTrump to stay in power. They think long term. Imagine another 5 years of him completely destabilizing the Western Alliance and annihilating the global trading system. . . They could be just toying with the Petulant Narcissist. close全部跟貼 這一點其實是明明白白的,土共特線黃川粉也明白,隻有腦殘被騙 徐水良 [12 b] 2019-08-24 16:44:03 |