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Apply security to ADF applcation

(2011-10-21 08:18:11) 下一個
Important steps/setups to be taken care to apply security on ADF application

1) Within EBS:
   a. Create role: UMX|XXX (for example: UMX|COA)
       - ‘User Management’ responsibility 
       - Menu: Roles and Role Inheritance
       - Click on ‘Create Role’ button
       - Put the below information:
          Category: Miscelleneous
          Role Code: UMX|COA
          Display Name: UMX|COA
          Description: Role for Chart Of Account application
         Application: XX DevelopmentApply
   b. Assign Role to responsibility (ies)
       – User can access the application through responsibilities.
       - ‘User Management’ responsibility
       - Menu: Roles and Role Inheritance
          Search criteria:Type: Roles & Responsibilities
          Code: FND_RESP|GL%SUPER% -- Search for code containing ‘FND_RESP and Resposbility’
          Click on ‘Go’ button
          Find the right responsibility/Role from the result return list
          Click on ‘View In Hierarchy’ for that role/responsibility
          Click on ‘Add Node’
          Search for the Role created in step a.
       – Search for code ‘UMX|COA’
          Select the Role and apply.
     c. Assign Role to the user if necessary
        This is in case that the user accesses the application directly from URL.
        - ‘User Management’ responsibility
        - Menu: Users- Search for the user login name.
        - Click on ‘Go’
        - Click on ‘Update’ for that user from the return list
        - Click on ‘Assign Roles’
        - Search for the Role: UMX|COA
        - Select and Apply

 2) Within JDeveloper
     Configure web.xml under WEB_INF.
     Overview -> Security
     Security Roles: Add Role: UMX|COA
     Security Constraints: Add the below information:
     Tab ‘Web Resource Name’: admin job (any name should be fine).
     Check: Selected HTTP Methods: GET POST; URL Patterns: /*
     Tab ‘Authorization’: Check ‘Authorize’, give security role: UMX|COA

     Source code equaled: 
  Image and video hosting by TinyPic   
      Deploy the application to .ear file

3) Within SOA/ADF server
     Login to SOA console
     Soa_domain -> Deployments -> Install the deployment/application
     Once the change is activated, click on the application -> Tab ‘Security’
     Under Customize this table section, click on ‘New’ button, Add role: UMX|COA
     Click on the role just added, under Role Conditions, click on ‘Add Conditions’ button -> Group ‘UMX|COA’ -> Add Group Argument name: UMX|COA

All necessary steps are done! The application can be started from soa server and tested on the server or run within EBS.
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