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Roles to be added in order for certain functionalities to work

(2011-10-17 07:43:23) 下一個

In R12, Roles work together with Responsibilities to make certain functionalities to work. Which means by just assigning responsibilities to the user is not enough for the user to have the necessary privileges.

 The below lists roles needed to be assigned for certain cases.

Case 1: The user is assigned ‘User Management’ responsibility, but all menus under this responsibility are not accessible.

Role to be added to the user: Security Administrator.    May need to logon as ‘Sysadmin’ user.

Case 2: The user is unable to update bank information even though he/she has the ‘Payable manager’ responsibility

Solution: need to assign Legal Entity to the responsibility:


1.       Log in as Sysadmin.

2.        Go to the User Management Responsibility.

3.        Path: Roles & Role Inheritance .

4.        In the Type field select Roles and Responsibilities

5.        Wait until a new field appears, you will see the category field, please select Miscellaneous

6.        In the Application select 'Cash Management' and click on GO button.

7.        Search the  Cash Management  Super User responsibility.

8.        Click on the update icon.

9.        A new window will be displayed, please click in the Security wizard button.

10.   For CE UMX Security wizard click on the Run Wizard.

11.    In this window, add the CAE Inc Legal entity that you want to grant the access to all the bank accounts and choose the privile! ges that you want to assign to this role on the bank accounts: USE, MAINTENANCE and BANK ACCOUNT TRANSFERS.

12.    Save and apply the changes and then verify in Cash Management Super User Responsibility a if you now are able to see that legal entity in the bank account creation form.


Case3: The user is unable to update bank account information even though the solution for case 2 has been applied.

Role to be added to the user: Cash management SuperUser. Through ‘User Management’ responsibility.

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