(2007-12-03 15:26:21)
AB went down a little to 84K. APPL, RIMM, GRMN went down, LDK SHLD, VMR, GERN went up. DT RIMM 110C (bought 10 at 7.1, and sold at 7.25, bought 10 at 7.0, and stopped out at 6.45), lost 400. DT SHLD 110P (bought 10 at 3.5 and sold at 3.8) and made 250. Bought 10 GRMN at 5.3 and hold to close at 4.9 (paper loss 430). Will close it tomorrow. For tomorrow trading, will re-enter RIMM calls if it dropps to ~ 100 or below. Will enter LDK 35C. Will cut losss for BIDZ if it dropps to below 11.0, and SHLD 100P.