
ETFs - 通向世界最熱門市場的護照

(2007-10-06 09:59:58) 下一個

如果你總是沒有盈利,即使在大盤指數普長的情況,你最好做ETFs (exchange-traded fund)而不是個股。



Emerging Markets:

VWO: Vanguard Emerging Markets ETF

EEM: iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Index fund

GMM: SPDR S&P Emerging Markets ETF

VEU: Vanguard FTSE All-world ex-US ETF. This fund tracks approximately 2,150 stocks in 44 countries, with a modest 1.25% expense ratio.

Single-Country Funds:

FXI: iShares FTSE/xinhua China 25 Index, which holds the 25 largest and most liquid stocks, has been the only pure play ETF for China.

GXC: SPDR S&P’s China ETF which tracks 126 companies.

Small-Cap Stocks:

GWX: SPDR S&P’s International Small Cap has nearly 500 companies with market capitalization of less than $2 billion. They are around the globe, but Japanese, British, Canadian companies together represent nearly half the fund.

Dividend Payers:

IDV: iShares DOW EPAC Select Dividend Index Fund, launch in June, contains nearly 100 high-yielding stocks from the developed markets.

DRW: WisdomTree International Real State Fund, tracks an index of 224 dividend-paying companies whose main business is operating or developing real state. All of them are in the developing countries.

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