out ASCA around 17.03-05 ...for now
(0/) 2010-10-04 10:55:08
(4/) 2010-07-01 12:35:37
(1/) 2010-06-30 20:28:01
(0/) 2010-06-30 12:15:59
(0/) 2010-06-25 12:26:56
(0/) 2010-06-02 20:36:10
(0/) 2010-05-25 20:51:49
GLD/gold price up, but gold stocks down...which you trust?
(0/) 2010-02-18 12:09:34
(0/) 2010-02-17 06:14:54
(0/) 2010-01-21 07:25:32
(5/) 2009-11-12 16:55:24
(0/) 2009-11-09 13:16:41
(0/) 2009-09-28 12:59:27
(1/) 2009-08-04 09:20:26
(0/) 2009-05-21 18:30:52
(0/) 2009-05-21 18:25:29
(ZT) China Property Sector Recovery Is for Real
(0/) 2009-05-19 22:42:48
(0/) 2009-04-08 12:23:50
(0/) 2009-03-25 17:25:52
(0/) 2009-03-21 22:51:52
(0/) 2009-03-11 17:22:26
(1/) 2009-03-08 20:17:21
(1/) 2009-03-05 12:13:36
(0/) 2009-02-20 11:14:33
(0/) 2008-12-31 23:17:31
(0/) 2008-12-31 10:52:16
Got KGC around 14.5, LFC 46.4 small play.. Review what I said
(0/) 2008-12-08 11:34:28
(0/) 2008-09-07 20:57:38
(0/) 2008-08-29 12:44:36
(0/) 2008-07-09 12:59:06
(0/) 2008-06-14 19:39:07
(0/) 2008-05-27 06:33:52
(1/) 2008-05-09 06:41:00
Received email from Austrialian Chinese Parade..
(0/) 2008-04-13 22:30:22
tlld, 從今天開始改喝pepsi, 直到也支持zd...
(0/) 2008-04-13 21:39:53
(0/) 2008-04-09 20:25:29
(3/) 2008-04-04 08:30:58
我看錯了, this is not the short squeez I thought earlier..sorry
(0/) 2008-01-17 07:20:16
ZT a bullish article: Is The Bull Market Dead?
(1/) 2007-12-01 22:39:27
(0/) 2007-09-26 16:43:18