
  • 博客訪問:


(2012-11-04 11:29:43) 下一個



。。。Mitt Romney, too, has a history of tackling climate change.
As governor of Massachusetts, he signed on to a regional cap-and-trade plan designed
to reduce carbon emissions 10 percent below 1990 levels. But since then, he has reversed course,
abandoning the very cap-and-trade program he once supported
This issue is too important. We need determined leadership at the national level to move the nation and the world forward.
In the past Romney has also taken sensible positions on immigration, illegal guns, abortion rights and health care. 
But he has reversed course on all of them, and is even running against the health care
model he signed into law in Massachusetts.

If the 1994 or 2003 version of Mitt Romney were running for president, I may well have voted for him
because, like so many other independents, I have found the past four years to be, in a word, disappointing.



是啊,天不助羅馬尼,來了個珊蒂,不過他嘲笑奧巴馬時說的下邊的話,真可謂搬起石頭砸了自己的腳,因為珊蒂就跟 the rise of the oceans很有關係的,

“President Obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the oceans.” (pause for laughter) “And to heal the planet.”
(pause for more laughter at that stupid planet)
“My promise is to help you and your family.”

“And if you and your family are hit by a hurricane,” that joke might be continued today,”my promise is to gut FEMA.(standing ovation amid rain of tri-corner hats)



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閱讀 ()評論 (34)
RugerGP100 回複 悄悄話 Exciting! I am getting drunk:-)
泥巴 回複 悄悄話 嗬嗬,voted, and congrats!
穿高跟鞋的貓 回複 悄悄話 商人治國,笑話?

So I guess you support a proved liar and loser like Obama to run another term?

Why I call him a liar and loser - there is plenty of data and information already all over the web.
團圓 回複 悄悄話 堅決站樓主這裏。
樂樂柔板 回複 悄悄話 朝鮮戰爭是金日成挑起的哈。美國出兵是聯合國授權的哈。肯尼迪總統從來沒有介入越戰。約翰遜總統才是越戰的發動者。不要忘了是老布什發動的海灣戰爭哈,小布什打伊拉克時,揚言替父報仇。讓美國在世界上顏麵掃地的。
樂樂柔板 回複 悄悄話 回複lianggeren的評論:
philasian 回複 悄悄話 羅姆尼是個精明的商人,為了他所代表的利益集團,為了利潤,他是可以把任何東西作為交換的,包括國家利益。

cu29 回複 悄悄話 I need Obama to stop working for me...It's killing me.

Obama: Longest period of unemployment over 8% since the Great Depression
Obama: Added more to the national debt than ANY president in history and did it in less than 4 years
Obama: Most number of people in poverty in the history of the United States
Obama: Has signed more executive orders than any president in U.S. history in his 1st term, He as signed 200 plus more than 2nd place.
Obama: Gas prices doubled
Obama: Cost of living sky-rocketed
Obama: U.S. debt was downgraded from AAA status for the first time ever
Obama: Federal spending as a percentage of GDP (25 percent) is the highest that it has been since World War II.
Obama: Most people on food stamps in U.S. history
Obama: Real median household income has decreased by more than 4000 dollars since Barack Obama entered the White House.
Obama: The number of long-term unemployed Americans has risen from 2.7 million to 5.2 million since Dumbo took office.
Obama: United States has lost more than 300,000 education jobs.
Obama: Velocity of money (a very important indicator of economic health) has plunged to a post-World War II low.
偶燈斯陋 回複 悄悄話 Agree with 泥巴:美國總統不可以是個變色龍.
Romney has been a weathervane that turns around with wind from any direction. He doesn't seem to have any principles.
His stance has changed from pro-choice to anti-choice, from pro-gay to anti-gay, claiming to cut FEMA to not cut FEMA, ... you name it. You can hardly tell what next he wants to do. Just forget about him.
lianggeren 回複 悄悄話 我能理解“看風景”和“初雪”的苦心,但是,許多美國人已經決定了投誰的票,奧巴馬勝利在望 - 奧巴馬代表了許多了能理解的美國,跟隨社會潮流。。。而不是包括婦女權利等社會意識倒退的美國。。。世界在向前,共和黨和它所代表的南方逐漸成了世界嚴重“Alien",或者是怪物 - 下次想贏,找一個真正的開明的候選人吧。。。美國人這次投票決定了從布什開始,以茶黨、佩林為代表的極右派的失敗...
看風景 回複 悄悄話 回複jialiseng的評論:







奧巴馬上台後,立即擴大了阿富汗戰爭,每年都增加軍費。從小布什在2008年的480多billion,增加到2012年的736 billion。奧巴馬也是一個好戰分子,而且是大手大腳亂花錢的政客!
看風景 回複 悄悄話 羅姆尼的基本資料 -- 也許你不知道!







看風景 回複 悄悄話 最近,紐約市長彭博上了媒體頭條:他宣布支持奧巴馬。







這一次,他還是一副“變色龍”的樣子:他自己承認,過去的四年令人失望:“... like so many other independents, I have found the past four years to be, in a word, disappointing....” 但是,他卻宣布支持奧巴馬連任。為什麽?因為他想著繼續連任市長,需要占優勢的紐約民主黨議員們的支持。

是的,過去的四年令人失望,是改變的時候了:Yes, We Need a Change.
匆匆. 回複 悄悄話 城頭都吵翻天啦,俺可不敢趟那渾水

RugerGP100 回複 悄悄話 回複jialiseng的評論:
說得太好了。補充一點,過去三十年美國的財富不斷向巨富轉移,中產縮水,窮人增多,再這樣下去早晚變成第三世界。前幾天有一個獨立的分析機構說Romney的減稅最終會是給富人減稅,中產增稅。共和黨的窮兵黷武,一個重要原因也是為了圍堵中國,永遠稱霸世界。 以Romney的邪招,大幅減稅,狂增軍費,最後撐不住了,很可能挑起跟中國的戰爭,又轉移國內矛盾,又可以賴賬不還,白拿中國人的血汗錢,又讓大財團,軍火商都高興。別以為這是危言聳聽,共和黨大佬為保護他們的利益,隨時準備發動戰爭。早在97 年他們就慫恿Clinton打伊拉克。現在對他們利益最大的威脅是中國。對我們華人來說,中美和平共處是至關重要的,否則我們的兒子有一天可能死在中國的炮火之下,或者我們的親友死在我們孩子的戰機之下,那將是多麽悲慘。
cu29 回複 悄悄話 Ex-Navy Seals Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods held off an entire platoon of terrorists for 7 hours at the Benghazi Consulate. They voluntarily tried to save Ambassador Chris Stevens and his Aide Sean Smith.

The White House and State Department watched them die from the situation room in the White House. Obama had Marines one hour away. He had two aircraft bases within an hour of Benghazi. There were C-130 Gun Ships ready to go. BUT OBAMA DID NOTHING.

TECHNICALLY it was an act of war perpetrated by terrorists on AMERICAN soil.

Like Ms. Clinton said four years ago ,when the phone rings at 3 am Obama won't have a clue.

Bush was in office for less that nine months. Untill the Warren commission on the 9/11 attack the intelligence gathering communities were not "allowed" to share information.

Obama has been in office for over 3 years. Obama has supported the Muslim Spring and helped to depose 2 leaders with NO inclination as to who would replace those leaders.

The present administration paied no attention to Amb. Stevens' requests for added security.

jialiseng 回複 悄悄話 天佑美國!祝福美國未來更美好!
在此讓我們想到:2008年9月9日 聯邦德國總理維利·勃蘭特來到華沙猶太人死難者紀念碑下。他向紀念碑獻上花圈後,肅穆垂首,突然雙腿下跪,並發出祈禱:“上帝饒恕我們吧,願苦難的靈魂得到安寧。”德國總理的這一跪,驚天地、泣鬼神,德國總理跪下去了,德國人站起來了。
看風景 回複 悄悄話 這個紐約市長我很了解。要說“變色龍”,非他莫屬!



長在紅旗下 回複 悄悄話 One of New York's most influential and traditionally Democratic media organizations pulled a stunner Sunday when it reversed its 2008 endorsement of Barack Obama to join the New York Post in endorsing Mitt Romney.
“Four years ago, the Daily News endorsed Obama, seeing a historic figure whose intelligence, political skills and empathy with common folk positioned him to build on the small practical experience he would bring to the world’s toughest job,” the endorsement in part states. “We valued Obama’s pledge to govern with bold pragmatism and bipartisanship. The hopes of those days went unfulfilled.”

The endorsement also ticks off a list of reasons for why the daily tabloid is backing Romney in 2012 – including smaller paychecks, fewer jobs and higher subway fares and gasoline prices.

“America's heart, soul, brains and muscle -- the middle- and working-class people who make this nation great -- have been beset for too long by sapping economic decline,” the editorial continues. “So, too, (have) New York breadwinners and families.”

Beyond the rhetoric, the paper backs up its decision with a salvo of numbers after the 2008 financial crisis – including a 7.9 percent national jobless rate and nine million fewer jobs.

The 11 papers, according the study, that also switched to Romney are:
The New York Daily News
Long Island Newsday
Houston Chronicle
Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Orlando Sentinel
Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel
Nashville Tennessean
Des Moines Register
Illinois Daily Herald
Los Angeles Daily News
Los Angeles Press-Telegram

Only one newspaper, The San Antonio Express-News, which endorsed the Republican presidential nominee in 2008, Arizona Sen. John McCain, has switched to endorsing Obama.
WXC8E 回複 悄悄話 ROMNEY的嘲笑說明他根本不在乎環境,為攻擊而不顧一切。這樣適得其反,做人基本的原則, 對事情基本的觀點丟了。
長在紅旗下 回複 悄悄話 上屆08最準的Rasmussen Daily National Tracking Poll tied at 49%. 其他八個搖擺州奧巴馬隻領先一個州Nevada。哈哈哈!評論: 左派報紙新聞不可信!!!

Ohio: Romney 49% Obama 49%
Wisconsin: Romney 49% Obama 49%
Iowa: Romney 49% Obama 48%
Florida: Romney 50% Obama 48%
Colorado: Romney 50% Obama 47%
Virginia: Romney 50% Obama 47%
New Hampshire: Romney 50% Obama 48%
Nevada: Romney 48% Obama 50%
老姐 回複 悄悄話 再加一條小人物在乎的原因。


Romney is a total jerk, even to his own family. See this video:

CHRIS WALLACE: So, Tagg, what are family meals like?

TAGG ROMNEY: A little bit of craziness. Dad always goes in line first
because he doesn't want to wait for all the grand children because it
takes forever. Parents are cutting their meat and he's usually
finished by the time the rest of us sit down.

cu29 回複 悄悄話 Most of the liberal media has already declared obama as the winner. It's kind of like the Nobel prize he got before he did anything.
老姐 回複 悄悄話 哈哈哈,博主高招。寫的明明白白的,有問題仔細讀文章。
起個破名想半天 回複 悄悄話 奧巴馬如果連任,並不奇怪,是因為美國有太多的懶人,有太多的喜歡盯著別人錢包並且想不費吹灰之力就可以瓜分別人的財產的人,這些人聚集在奧巴馬的旗幟下,開始一場蓬蓬勃勃的社會主義運動正當其時。
加州人 回複 悄悄話 Obama就算是當選了,也隻是個坡腳鴨而已。
jennifer123ee 回複 悄悄話 回複泥巴的評論:
so you supoort Obama because Bloomberg support him? Who the heck cares about Bloomberg? Be a thinker, not a follower!
初雪 回複 悄悄話 so who on earth he is going to vote for?

初雪 回複 悄悄話 看看今天新鮮出爐的新聞吧:

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie defended his praise for President Barack Obama's support after superstorm Sandy, but said he would stick with his Republican ticket and vote for Mitt Romney in this Tuesday's election.

何仙姑 回複 悄悄話 08如果連任,是美國的悲哀。全世界都在等著看美國的笑話。隻有民主黨還在高唱著皇帝的新衣的凱歌。
cu29 回複 悄悄話 In case anyone wanted to VOTE based on JOB PERFORMANCE, I thought I'd offer the following FACTS:

Obama's achievements....

Jobs: Unemployment 8+% for 43 months (Blacks: 19% (in Chicago), Hispanics: 10%) And, no starting at 7.2% and being at 7.8% for a month three years later is not an “achievement”.

Inflation: Gas $4/gallon, college tuition up 25%, grocery prices UP 20$, household income DOWN $11,900

Obamacare: New TAXES on middle class (someone has to pay for the ILLEGALS). Obamacare: $716 BILLION stolen from Medicare to fund Obamacare

Debt/Spending: $16 TRILLION, credit rating downgraded TWICE, Fed now PRINTING $40 Billion / Month

Jobs/Energy: $6 BILLION given to FOREIGN OIL COMPANIES in Mexico, Colombia and Brazil, while blocking US jobs in Gulf and Keystone pipeline. (Cost 220,000 American Jobs paying $50,000)

Jobs/"Green" Agenda: $994 MILLION given to Bankrupt FOREIGN Car companies (e.g. TESLA), $537 M wasted on Bankrupt Solyndra, US Coal Plants CLOSED, Obama: "Under my plan electricity prices will necessarily SKYROCKET". (Cost 30,000 American Jobs paying $50,000)

Foreign Policy: More DEAD in Afghanistan in 3 yrs under Obama than 8 yrs under Bush (wonder why the Lib media never mentions this?)

Foreign Policy: Ambassador DEAD in Libya, Embassies under attack, yet still giving BILLIONS to Libya, Egypt, Pakistan, etc.

$1 Million Nobel Peace Prize: Attacked Libya, troops in Uganda, Iraq, Pakistan, etc. GITMO still Open, Personal “Kill List” for Drone Attacks.

Education: Chicago teachers score LOWER than students on ACT test in Obama's home state of Illinois. The $90 Billion Obama has wasted on BANKRUPT Green Technology companies run by his campaign contributors, could have been used to create 2,000,000 teaching jobs.
泥巴 回複 悄悄話 請見諒,我不會回複任何一個人的回帖的,麻煩去讀一下紐約市長的聲明,謝謝!
ahhhh 回複 悄悄話 但兩個裏比,還是奧巴馬相對還好些???羅還沒當總統,怎麽比?奧已經證明失敗了,為什麽還要繼續支持?
cu29 回複 悄悄話 Obama's Specifics on Second Term:

1. Continue class conflict and class warfare.
2. Make massive cuts to the military.
3. Triple the current number of Americans on food stamps.
4. Increase our national debt to 20+ trillion dollars on giveaway programs.
5. Bankrupt Medicare to fully fund Obamacare.
6. Repeal our Second Amendment Rights to keep and bear arms.
7. Invest taxpayer dollars into green energy programs that continue to go bankrupt.
8. Meet with Putin to discuss "More flexability."
8. Bankrupt the coal industry.
9. By way of the Environmental Protection Agency, shut down another 33% of the country’s oil refining capacity.
10. Write another 900+ Executive Orders.
11. Golf as many rounds as possible, and take as many taxpayer funded vacations as possible.
12. Hobnob with as many rappers, gangsters, talk show hosts, and celebs as possible.
13. Whenever the situation presents itself, play the race card.