
decision this week

(2007-10-13 19:50:53) 下一個
I made a call last weekend to decide staying at home for my dream. For the past week, I think my progress is ok. I will be working much harder. Please always rembember, you made this decision because you are persuing something that you like to do. The go for it, and take it risk, but please be persistent. The only problem that I worried is my speaking English. So please practise, practise and practise. I was in a bad mood tonight after making a call to an old freind. Although I understand that she is in a stressful situation and doesn't want to lose face, I will never be a person like that. Life is simple. It is not necessary to tell other people how much you suffered and how great you are. People can judge by themselves. I will never look down anyone, or feel I am superior to other people. But I would like to feel that I am happier than some people. I think that's enough. Ok, more reasons to work harder, and, believe in yourself!

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