這個周末的天氣難得好,一副像春天的樣子。戴了小寶出去散步,路上有不少人, 看見熟麵孔, 停下來問好,“難得的好天氣啊“。“是呀是呀。“ 大家心照不喧,誰也沒提春天是不是來了, 還有二月份哪。 抬起頭, 天也特別藍,飛機留下不少白尾氣, 一道一道的, 附近飛行博物館的古董飛機也出來了, 引擎嗡嗡的響著。
轉到Spring lane, 一眼就看見了人家花園前的水仙花開了, 雖然不多, 但總是希望啊。 想起了華茲華斯的黃水仙,“這時我的心被歡樂充滿,, 並隨著那水仙起舞翩翩。“
走不多遠, 眼前一亮, 這家人家的籬笆下, snowdrop冒出來了。這是不是意味著冬天 即將結束了? 這花 特別耐寒, 天氣越冷, 花期越長。
還有一戶人家的 草坪前 有一大片 淡黃色的crocus, 這種花常見的是淡紫色的,又是一個驚喜。
附1 :Thefirst sight of the bright heads of snowdrops peeping through the undergrowthsignals that winter is coming to an end in Britain.
I Wandered Lonelyas a Cloud
William Wordsworth
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Alongthe margin of a bay:
Tenthousand saw I at a glance,
Tossingtheir heads in sprightly dance.
Thewaves beside them danced; but they
Out-didthe sparkling waves in glee:
Apoet could not but be gay,
Insuch a jocund company:
Igazed--and gazed--but little thought
Whatwealth the show to me had brought:
Foroft, when on my couch I lie
Invacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Whichis the bliss of solitude;
Andthen my heart with pleasure fills,
Anddances with the daffodils.