

Forgot to show off.

(2007-11-13 02:56:42) 下一個
Forgot to show off Lucy's nursery report from parents evening in Oct. ( 2-3 years old).

General comment: It is brilliant to hear Lucy speaking. Lucy is a loving and caring child and her character is now starting to shine through. ( Lucy is a bit shy, and she didnot speak in nusery about a year until this term. Mummy . Daddy is very pride about the loving and caring comment)

A Competent learner: Lucy identified her name at the lunch table. .....Lucy has good concentration skills and played well on the computers. Lucy had finished playing with the books and she put them away and put the box back on the shelf. Lucy bulit a tower by herself, a most unusal one balancing different wooden shapes on top of each other. on another occasion, Lucy built a tower to hide her train. Lucy is also very quick at doing jigsaw puzzles. etc........... ( Mummy is very pride of those comment)

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