


(2007-09-23 20:04:32) 下一個
感謝大家的厚愛,昨天 東北虎 造訪我的英文網站,並留下評語。我好感動。


本人興造英文博客已有月餘,老外爬上去1,000 餘人,點擊4,000餘次,唯獨不見國人。從 traffic meter 上看,遍及四大洲五大洋,我四處留言,終於找到7位網客從上海造訪。

可憐的老虎,他花了兩天的時間,遍讀我50幾篇胡言亂語,查證所有我推薦股票竟然得出結論 - good job!感激之餘,遊遊不得不花上半天時間統計半月來得Performance,結果一看,果然不凡,Average: 18.5%,最高70%!


Well, my Chinese typing is too slow, forget it, so continue with English, sorry, lossing some humor will be the consequences.

BTW, I put Northeast Tiger on my Favorite List, you can find it on the left.

Anyway, Swimmer did not buy stocks according Swimmer's recommendation list (not completely depend on it), so there is no worry of Swimmer taking advantage of Swimming Friends, like I mentioned in Cramers post. However, I just looked on my account, my own account's performance is less impressive. I opened a separated account last year (2006) in November, to date, well last Friday, the whole thing gone up more than 100%. I need to calculate it for you, wait a minute, I will not discose my book. Okay 104%. So if I deposit 100 dollars now is 204 dollars, not that bad.

I did not include the gain I got today, because I do have PTR in my portfolio, I checked pre-market before I went to work, it jumped $15, and I had the Dec. call option (strike price is $160), I am in the money now, I bought it when it was $6, so that alone accounts 200% profit. I am conservative (what a guy call him a conservative when he fittled around with option? For Jesus sake), well I mean, I only got 10% of money into this and plan to loss everything if this stock does not go to $160 on Dec. 20th.

So, you probably say, Swimmer, you are pretty good. Well, I tend to agree, but not completely. I mean I learnt to swim naked when I was very little (I put it in my English blog, I hope Tiger did not find it out, cause he will be extremely disappointed). After 10 years of swimming I just found something I believe no body in the small investors category has figured out. Put in brief:

Conventional Theory:
(1) Two kinds of investors: Fundamentalists, TA
(2) Stocks go high based on Funda and TA

Wrong, stocks go anywhere they want to, all based on psychology. But Big Plays know the best, nowadays the SEC opened the door of data mining for us. If I find "Diamond" I will share with you.

Next post:

When monk finds diamond (當和尚遇到鑽石, maybe, this is a blog, my thought floats everyday, there are a lot of interesting topics, though), or 機器碼大公開。

See you next time, I got to go


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