紀念 關道子 先生
(2008-01-13 17:07:56)
On the 12th of January 2008 at 16:13, our beloved Prof. Seki (Seki Sensei)passed away.To all international students that knew seki sensei and would like to paytheir respects, there will be a vigil held on Monday January 14th, 2008from 17:00 and a Funeral on Tuesday January the 15th, 2008 from 10:00 to11:30. Both ceremonies will take place at The Sapporo Christian Church, North 8West 6 (the white Church outside the South Gate of the University)This church was chosen by Seki Sensei because she wished as manyinternational students as possible to attend.The Family has asked that NO FLOWERS or OTHER GIFTS to be brought to theceremonies.HUISA.
這個是今天收到的卜告。 昨天台灣同學先後兩次發過來這個震驚的消息, 非常悲哀!上周日, 也就是1月6日是關先生的生日, 本來打算去參加的,但是由於先後兩次收到的信息差異終於錯過去了。 後來聽說關先生是坐著輪椅,頭戴帽子出現的。 很遺憾沒有親見她最後一麵。
2003年首次在留學生歡迎party上見到關先生,次年聽說因為胰腺癌住院,05年在劄幌市民舉辦的留學生歡送party上見到了依然健康的她, 06年生日party上氣色也還不錯。 想不到年僅60歲的關先生就這樣簡簡單單離開了。 關先生英語非常流利而且清晰, 為人熱情, 及其熱衷留學生的工作,給留學生提供了大量的幫助。 我們都很懷念她!希望我的這片簡短祭文能夠安慰先生在天之靈, 安息!
One of seki sensei's main visions was for all the people no matter of their race or religion to work together harmoniously and without prejudice, a version which she helped to realize throught parties, home stay programs, international night, cultrue exchange programes and so forth. The fundament of HUISA as an organization came from her and her version.