
Living in the now. And the best is yet to come.
  • 博客訪問:

but i\'m not gifted

(2009-01-30 22:06:08) 下一個
In Vicky Christina Barcelona, the Christina character says, at one point, that she has a lot to express but she's not talented or gifted so she can't express herself the way a gifted artist does.

Sometimes.... I have a lot to express too. I feel FEEL so many things/emotions but what I got out was dull and unmoving. Not gifted! How sad is that!

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閱讀 ()評論 (2)
chic 回複 悄悄話 yes both of these are very sad too. even sadder is that there is no limit to how many more sad things out there. but! life carries on. oh yeah.
agentsmith 回複 悄悄話 But I"m not rich! How sad is this!:-)

Besides, I am convinced that everyone is gifted in some way, except that it may take his whole damn life to figure out what that is. The ironic part is this, when he finally realize what he is good at, he can't do it, because the time is up! and how sad is that!:D
