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Movie: The Lives of Others

(2007-11-06 17:13:48) 下一個

I watch a lot of movies and too many of them were swept out of my memory even before the credits were rolled.

However once in a while I came across an amazing film and I can’t get it out of my head for the longest time.

The talented screenwriter and director of The Lives of Others Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck said his film is about ideology or how an ideologist lost his faith. And the story was inspired by a quote of Lenin’s - “music softens me” (so if he keeps listening to music he will want to be nice to people and forget about his revolutions where humane behaviors can not be harbored.)

It’s a beautiful story and the film is extremely well-made. Everything about the film is meticulously controlled: the pace, the acting, the set, the color and the music.

If you watch this film on DVD, be sure to watch the interview of the director in the Special Feature section. You will learn so much more of the period that this film is set against and you would be impressed by how much efforts have been put into the tiniest details of this movie.






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agentsmith 回複 悄悄話 四塊大洋? 貴了,不劃算,俺還是Netflix 的幹活:)
chic 回複 悄悄話 有的電視cable公司(比如Comcast)有這部電影的on-demand,四塊大洋看一次~~
agentsmith 回複 悄悄話 hear you, hear you:))
I need to re-enroll the Netflix,hehe:)