
Living in the now. And the best is yet to come.
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(2007-09-13 20:43:56) 下一個

The Keep:

nice book, very well written. but the ending is less than satisfactory. i dont neceesarily need a happy ending; a sad ending can be fulfulling too as in giving me a chance to cry all over myself.

but this ending is just awkward. it sabotages the entire story.

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There's Nothing in this Book that I Meant to Say

by Paula Poundstone

I'm torn. I really like Paula, I really really do. But her book - like what they say about Britney Spear's performance at the MTV award - is less than stellar. It's very random. More like a loose collection of her routines.

A lot of funny bits. Such as this one:

"My kids have a cardboard book called The Book of Shapes. I looked at it while I cleaned up one night. It was about six pages long. One one page there'd be a picture of square, and it would say 'square', then a page of circle followed by the word 'circle'. It got as sophisticated as "oval". I think that was the climax. I closed the cover and noticed it was co-authored. They just needed each other to bounce ideas off of, I guess. I've often thought about that if Harmony Books* sues me for taking too  long to write this opus, I'd use the Book of Shapes in my defense:

'Your honour, you see here The Book of Shapes, Exhibit A. And may I draw your honour's attention to the fact that it has two authors? Well sir, I am only one person. I rest my case.'"

* Harmony Books is Paula's publisher.

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Driving Lessons

Nice British movie. Worth a see. Notice that it's played by "Ron" and "Ron's Mom" circa Harry Potter? ; )

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agentsmith 回複 悄悄話 "either 看書已經習慣成自然 or 讀書逃避現實。。。" 共鳴音...:)

嘿嘿,smart girl, I can't say I disagree with you, it does sound like playing word games.....but in order to be fair, I will read more pages and then tell you what I think,嘻嘻,不好意思,到目前為止,隻讀了7,8 頁,還是跳著讀的:))

chic 回複 悄悄話 哎呀!不要繆誇獎~~;)用功算不上,either 看書已經習慣成自然 or 讀書逃避現實。。。

看來我是愚鈍到一定程度啦,這句話“you cannot truly express yourself until you first discover who you are. before that discovery, you are just expressing some idea of yourself." 我怎莫看怎末覺得像是 non-sense.

agentsmith 回複 悄悄話 chic這樣用功,俺不好意思,也找了本書來讀,the book name is "You are that" by Gangaji, it's a book of mind searching,the author is a spiritual teacher.What she taught is something related to Buddhism,I think.

摘抄幾句書上的話“you cannot truly express yourself until you first discover who you are. before that discovery, you are just expressing some idea of yourself."

Sounds interesting, but will see.....:)))