
Living in the now. And the best is yet to come.
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(2007-05-14 11:57:06) 下一個

昨天在家裏看 The Last King of Scotland,看完之後好像吃了一隻死螞蟻。



電影是關於烏幹達的獨裁者 Idi Amin 的故事。劇中的一個重要人物是個虛擬的蘇格蘭醫學院畢業生。為了逃避循規蹈矩令他窒息的家庭醫生工作,他自願去了烏幹達。後來“有幸”成為 Idi Amin 的私人醫生。

我想每個人年輕的時候都是有“崇高”理想的。比如要到世界的落後角落 make a difference。但是落後的地方都有其落後的原因,幼稚的理想主義永遠也敵不過世井的智慧。如果再加上 loose moral,那就隻好象電影裏的 Nicholas 一樣注定死得很難看。

但是命運又有很多 twists and turns。假如世界上真有類似 Nicholas 的人物,我很想知道他後來的人生變得如何。

在看這部電影之前,我對 Idi Amin 知道的很少。看了電影之後,我希望忘掉我所知道的。從某種程度上來講,Idi Amin 是烏幹達的毛澤東。Slaughter, massacre, wide-spread paranoia, monstrous inhuman behaviors.

Idi Amin 在任的九年期間殺了30萬人,後來在政權被掀翻之後流亡沙特阿拉伯。流亡期間曾接受訪問說:他認為烏幹達人民希望他回去。他可以為烏幹達做更多的貢獻。


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chic 回複 悄悄話 To Mr. Jiang - did not see your comments until today, sorry about that (guess I should be more careful reading my own blog!)

It took me a couple of reads to (hopefully) grasp what you said. And if I understand you correctly, you seem to be leaning toward 沒有人性的人特別追逐權利 in spite of your openning caveats that humanity should not be mixed with politics.

Mind you though, war, politics anything and everything they are all derivatives of human behaviors - maybe that's because we are all from beasts, after all????
薑太公釣魚 回複 悄悄話 To understand human history from a humanity perspective is very different from a political perspective. Although genocide or racial cleansing should absolutely be condemned and prohibited in any circumstances, it is one of the most brutal manifestations of power struggle of each of us - we want to be superior, and we in general hate people who are better than us.

The best way to achieve the state of superiority is usually through war. If you blame Amin or Mao, you should take look at Genghis Khan and Mongols who slaughtered many more people than what Admin, Mao and Hitler had done together.

On the other hand, Machiavelli said: Some people want to rule, and some want to be ruled. Who we really are usually determines the answer for the questions you raised.
chic 回複 悄悄話 說到鬼片,一個午夜凶鈴的 trailer 就能把我嚇個半死。

嘻嘻,我的膽子的 size 可以和芝麻媲美~~
xiaopingzer 回複 悄悄話 我上個星期也看了. 赫赫,非常不錯的電影.覺得帥哥醫生太花心,太不分輕重.
我除了東方的鬼片絕對不敢看以外,其他都照看不誤. 有選擇性的膽小,估計小時侯被鬼故事嚇著了.
chic 回複 悄悄話 hear hear! same 衰 same 老. basically we close our eyes/ears and pretend there's no nasty... ; )

p.s. it's a good movie, well made - but not the comforting kind.
agentsmith 回複 悄悄話 還沒看過,聽你這一說,這麽血腥,有點打退堂鼓,我現在特怕看真實和沉重的電影,喜歡好萊塢純娛樂片,象什麽“Pirates of the Caribbean"之類的,看完之後,哈哈一樂,就得了。。。大概這是衰老的征兆?