
Living in the now. And the best is yet to come.
  • 博客訪問:

I am not in the mood

(2006-11-02 13:53:41) 下一個

I am very mood-ish. I need a mood for everything. Such as right now I can not work because I'm not in the mood. For work.

Tell you what I saw/heard the other day in an elevator:

There were already 3 people in the elevator when I stepped in:

M                                       W


[A man (M) on the left front, a tall and big woman (W) on the right front and another woman (WM) in the center, towards the back.]

I stood in the left corner, like this:

M                                          W

Chic               WM

W was giving a speech to M when I walked in:

"You should blah blah blah, blah blah blah, blah blah blah some more"

And M said "Yes, I will blah blah...."

THEN, W said: I'm not trying to give you grieves, I was really upset with our conversations at lunch."

What?? Is this for real? A performance review in a public elevator? Is she NUTS?

M must be thinking the exact same thing because he .... SAID NOTHING.




Finally, just as the door opened on our mutual destination floor, M said:

"I thought our conversation was ??? (can't remember now) and energetic."

 M has an eastern European sort of an accent. I wonder if he's Russian or sth. Anyway I didn't think his energy worked on W though, judging from her stiff broad back (told you she's tall and big).

That's it. I thought as for as an elevator ride is concerned, that's pretty eventful, don't you think??



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閱讀 ()評論 (5)
chic 回複 悄悄話 come to think of it, the reason that agent smith lost his job in the matrix was because he lost his cool - wasn't it? ; )

although i think you, as his reincanation, will do much better... : D

agentsmith 回複 悄悄話 I know, the fatal mistake I made was that I had been too moody to be an agent. I learned my lessons. but you are different, as long as you are human( you are, right?), you are safe to be moody, you can spend you moodish whenever you have the mood. So enjoy! Me,got to be careful this time, be cool and no mood at all.Yes,totally in-human.Ha
chic 回複 悄悄話 TNF:
"dramatic" - pity it's the real world not fantasy land ; )
"personality" - and what is that? tell me something i don't know... o_o

i think they like to think they are super-human. : )
and talking about "inhuman" - what is agent smith? (xixi, no offense ha)
agentsmith 回複 悄悄話 what personality? I can't agree more with chic,yeah, I am moody too; so, you are not along, cheers! for those people, who are rational and stable for all the time, I think they are in-human.
托尼福 回複 悄悄話 it could've been a little bit more dramatic. i thought they would end up kissing and groping each other. by the way, the spot you took says a lot about your personality.