
Living in the now. And the best is yet to come.
  • 博客訪問:


(2005-10-27 15:40:00) 下一個

Q: what's the best therapy that money can buy?

A: retail therapy

(It's 100%-ly made up by moi! Hoho. And it's very true.)

So I went to the mall, as a shortcut to the bank. And I bought three sweaters, total breach of my start-living-frugally-yesteryear plan. (And of course I arrived at the bank with less money to my name than when I started walking toward the bank ; )

One of the sweater is this:

I thought it looks really festival, you know, matching the christmasy ornaments already hung up every corner in the mall (maybe that's what pushed me over the not-buying edge. hmmm-I-wonder). Anyhow, this sweater is better at a size larger - this will allow the wrap-around collar fall down one of your shoulders - more Victoria Secretsy. Also, wearing it with a (golden, not silver) belt looks much better than without.

Then on my way back I stopped at my favorite ma-and-pa Italian cafe. It's this itsy-bitsy place, very easily ignorable if you don't pay attention. Their food is not cheap, coming at small portions, but it tastes all-so-good! I've been to some "nice" Italian restaurants (judging by the price anyway) but this small cafe has the best Italian food I've ever tasted. It made me happy, from the bottom of my heart. : D

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