2006 (101)
2007 (60)
2010 (1)
2013 (4)
2015 (1)
2018 (1)
Chick’s Movie / British Comedy / Bend It Like Beckham
有一年的 Friends’ Thanksgiving 那一集講 Rachel 做了一個 English Truffle / Shepherd’s Pie 作為甜點. 大家都覺得難以下咽,
隻有 Joey 吃的津津有味:
Meat – good; custard – good; cream – good! What’s not to like?”“
對於 Chick’s movies 的鍾愛不亞於 Joey 對食物的 devotion. Seriously: laughter – good; relationship fantasy – good; fairy tale ending – good! What’s not to like?!
嚴格說來,Chick’s movie 應該不止是 romantic comedy。不過 romantic comedy 這個 genre 玩兒的最好的還應該算是英國人。他們民族特有的 wry sense of humor 以他們擅長的 deadpan 演繹起來比美國的 punchline sitcom 不知高明多少倍。更重要的一點,many a British comedy has a heart. They make you ponder.
Bend it like Beckham is a poster child of the kind of British comedy that has a heart. 電影說的是兩個踢英式足球的姑娘:一個棕色的印度人和一個白色的英國人。Jess the Indian girl had to “conquer”a lot to pursue her football dream. 去年在雜誌上讀到這部電影的介紹,後來終於在 HBO 上看到。到現在,斷斷續續,支離破碎地看過好幾遍了,每次看還是覺得很 enjoy。並且每次看到 Jess 從姐姐的婚禮上跑出來去踢那個關鍵的下半場時都還會 become teary-eyed.
所謂戲法人人會變,各有巧妙不同。但是任何 creative form of art 到了一定程度,分高下的不再是技巧的高低,而是 how much of yourself you put into it. Because it shows.
P.S. 早上在 radio 上聽來的 tidbit. 哪個國家的人最有可能在 having sex 的時候 pick up the cellphone?
Drum rolls …
How about another chick movie, Love Actually?