2013 (1)
2016 (2)
2017 (5)
2025 (3)
1. DC 聯邦法官裁決,川普的 Jan. 6 記錄應該送交國會調查委員會。問題是,這 能夠在近期實現嗎?眾所周知,赤條條的川普比泥鰍還滑,沒有一定的手法計巧,那是很難把他逮牢的。
A federal judge in Washington has ruled that hundreds of pages of White House records from the Trump a administration can be turned over to the House committee investigating
the deadly 6 January attack on the Capitol, defying objections from Donald Trump.
2. Jan. 6 暴亂國會調查委員會主席稱,美國是“法製國家”,“法律站在我們這邊”。用P民的說法,這就是典型的說者容易而做者難!
Bennie Thompson, the chair of the investigating committee and a Democratic congressman from Mississippi, said the federal judge’s ruling was a “big deal”.
“We have the law on our side, and you know, we are a nation of laws,” Thompson told CNN.