CNN報道,向我前總統布希先生扔鞋的伊拉克草民,終於受到正義的懲罰,將在牢獄裏虛度三載年華。殺雞給猴看,看看這些“專製社會”蹦出來的“愚民”,是否還敢不敢挑戰“民主社會”的權貴。不信,Muntadher al-Zaidi 就是榜樣,監獄裏大刑侍候。
這樣一來,突然發現中國的總理溫家寶先生虧了,因為按大佬們的指派,老溫隸屬“八排”,而民主“德先生”出手,乃治病救人,怎麽可能會與牢獄掛上鉤?不僅過去不會,現在不會,而且將來也永遠不會。所以說指望“德先生”像Muntadher al-Zaidi 那樣的下場,那真是天方夜譚。不信,走著瞧。
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Muntadher al-Zaidi, the man seen as a hero in some circles for throwing his shoes at then-U.S. President George W. Bush, was sentenced to three years in prison Thursday by an Iraqi court.
Al-Zaidi threw his shoes at Bush during a news conference with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in December in Baghdad.
Neither shoe hit the president, and other people in the room quickly knocked al-Zaidi to the ground before security officials arrested him.
Family members and journalists were cleared from the courtroom before Thursday's verdict.
After news of the verdict reached family members, al-Zaidi's brother appeared close to fainting. Other family members were seen crying and shouting curses about al-Maliki and Bush. Al-Zaidi was a journalist who worked for the television network al-Baghdadia. The network also called for his release shortly after the incident.
He explained his actions during an hourlong appearance last month in the Central Criminal Court of Iraq. Asked whether anyone pushed or motivated him, al-Zaidi said he was spurred by the "violations that are committed against the Iraqi people."
In the Middle East, throwing shoes at someone is traditionally a sign of contempt.
Al-Zaidi's angry gesture touched a defiant nerve throughout the Arab and Muslim world. He is regarded by many people as a hero, and demonstrators took to the streets in the Arab world and called for his release shortly after the incident.