
progress in school

(2008-10-07 11:17:02) 下一個
5th week! Monday the little one did not cry at all. when he entered the gate, he wanted to cry but stopped immediately. We entered the classroom. he was attracted to the play dough table. then I lead him to Alexis, and asked him to show his fake tattoo on his hand. he told the teacher "dragon". Duncan pulled up his sleeve and said I have a dragon too- it was also a fake tattoo of some sort of monster, but he claimed it to be a dragon. :) Anda said from the stairs that she has a dragon too, it was the same tattoo as Duncan's. kids want to be in sync with each other, how cute! 
Tuesday was even better. there was another male teacher in the room. baobao seems to know him well. he made faces and a funny sound to him and even allowed me to put his panda and towel in the bunny basket! there was another boy crying, because his daddy was also here dropping him off (that is a big no no for kids who are still in transition, keep the usual rutine!). Eric asked baobao and another boy to give him a tissue and comfort him a bit. I was so amazed by this gental and carful intervention. I am feeling better and better about this school. they do such a wonderful job guiding kids though and teach them to gain control of their emotions.

6th week: Tue after a long weekend. and he cried again. maybe he had too much fun during the weekend. we bought some new toys for him, his favorate digger and a few other small cars. and went flying kite. I guess the good time in school memory is fading after 5 days and tons of excitments. but hope it will get reenforced. He likes to call names of his cloassmates. these are funny pronouciations for him, different from daily Chinese.
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