
Red (movie Review)

(2007-08-13 10:24:10) 下一個


Directed by Krzysztof Kieslowski from Poland.
The film based on the theme of Red color which I loved--Passion. Plus the beautiful Swiss actress Irène Jacob's good performance. The cinematography was good--artistic. The use of lights was awesome.I liked the way he executed his thoughts of reality, human connections, relationships, loneliness, coincidences, and the repeats from generation to generation.  It is a quiet and slow movie which makes you feel a depth in your heart, gave your moments to think what he tried to say, to thew on its taste. Different from many fast Hoolywood movies, intensive or hilarious. This one is like a stream among the mountains, you could see it everywhere, but you feel peaceful.
   A dog made a connection between a retired judge and a young model. Stories unclosed. What I loved is the end, a quick showing the characters from previous Blue and White which gives a kick.
  Life is short though it lasts 70-80 years; Love is eternal though it might only be a moment. We try hard to live, and find the meaning of it, yet we survived without a reason, found its meaning effortlessly. We try hard to teach ourselves," Take it easy, let it be the way it is", but who is listening?

Director Krzysztof was a leading polish director, his films always featured philosophical journeys into the human spirit and a concern for the moral and ethical implications of human action. Most well known is "Decalogue" (1988), an ambitious series of ten hour-long films funded by Polish TV, telling stories "based" on the Ten Commandments.
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